Programming 2/14 - 2/18

Strength / Skill
Establish a Heavy Set of 6 back squats (HSo6)
5 x 8 @ @ 75% - 80% of HSo6

WOD - 4 rounds for time (15 min cap)
250m row
15 push press (115/85#)
20 v-ups
15 push ups

WOD: Push press should be scaled such that athletes can complete at least 10 unbroken reps when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are intentional about making quick transitions between movements
2) Focus on getting their shoulders high off the ground when doing v-ups

WOD - Partner WOD
40 min AMRAP
800m run
50 kb swings (53/35#)
40 pull-ups
30 goblet box carry overs (53/35#)

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are ready to hop in when it's their turn to work
2) Choose a challenging scaling option for pull-ups

Partners run together and split up the rest of the work; one person working at a time. Partners do not need to use the same weights

Strength / Skill
10 minutes to build to a heavy set of 3 hang squat snatch, then
Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds complete 3 full snatch from the ground at the same weight.

WOD - 6 min AMRAP
10 box jumps
15 wall balls (20/14#)
5 front squat (155/115#)

rest 3 mins

6 min AMRAP
5 front squat (155/115#)
15 wall balls (20/14#)
10 box jumps

WOD: Front squats should be scaled so they can be completed unbroken when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Choose a heavier weight than usual for front squats
2) Have consistent output between the two AMRAPs

Strength / Skill
20 minutes to complete 6 x 4 bench press - following each round hit a difficult set of chin-ups (supinated pull-ups)

WOD - 4 rounds
4 minutes to complete:
500m bike
9 clean and jerk (135/95#)
19 burpees

rest 1 minutes between rounds

WOD: Clean and jerks should be scaled such that athletes can do at least 5 reps touch and go.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Limit resting in the middle of rounds
2) Push the pace on the final 10 burpees of each round

Strength / Skill
12 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 6 - 10 handstand push-ups
2) 10 - 14 front rack lunges

WOD - Open Workout 20.2 Retest
20 min AMRAP
4 DB thrusters (50/35#)
6 toes to bar
24 double unders

Lunges can be forward or backward stepping.

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Take the opportunity to work on the skill of double unders
2) Work on making quick transitions between movements.