Programming 2/21 - 2/25

Quick Note:
Although we will continue to post our weekly programming here on our website, we will also now be posting the daily workouts on the CrossFit Felix App. Just click on the Workouts link within the App and click on the any day of the week.

Marathon WOD
WOD - 2 rounds
40 deadlifts (155/105)*
500m bike
50 air squats
1000m bike
60 sit ups
800m run
Consider scaling down reps or going lighter on the deadlift if you are newer to CrossFit.

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Keep a steady pace on the bike and run
2) Hold on for long sets of deadlifts through grip fatigue

Back squat 
Establish a Heavy Set of 5 (HSo5)
4 x 15 @ 65%-75% of HSo5

WOD - Intervals
Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes (4 rounds)
11 toes to bar
18 box jumps
11 pull-ups

*You are aiming for 2:30 - 3:00 minutes of work on each round. Consider scaling reps up or using a higher box today if you are completing rounds too fast.

WOD: Both toes to bar and pull-ups should scale to other movements hanging from a bar if possible.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Choose and maintain a difficult scaling for toes to bar
2) Break work on the rig into manageable sets to preserve grip as needed 

Strength / Skill
Rope climb technique review
14 min alternating EMOM
1) 1 - 2 rope climbs
2) 8 barbell strict press

WOD - For time
1000m row
30 hang cleans (115/75)
50 push-ups

WOD: 12 minute time cap. Barbell should be scaled so athletes can complete sets of at least 10 when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Push the pace on the row
2) Hold consistent strict form while doing push-ups

Strength / Skill
Overhead squat
5 x 5
6 x 2

WOD - 12 minute AMRAP
12 burpees
24 kb swings (53/35)
12 burpees
24 kb goblet lunges (53/35)

WOD: Kettlebells should be scaled such that athletes can complete a set of at least 15 swings and lunges when fresh. Scaling should not allow for sets of 24 unbroken reps throughout the workout.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Use a consistent movement pattern for the burpees across the whole workout.
2) Focus on keeping their torso upright while doing the lunges

Open Workout 22.1