Programming 2/7 - 2/11

Monday 2/7
Strength / Skill
10 minutes to build to a heavy 8 rep back squat, then
every 2 minutes for 6 rounds complete 10 reps at 85% of the heavy 8

WOD - 4 rounds for time (16 min cap)
200 m run
20 wall balls (20/14#)
10 burpee box jump over (24/20")

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Avoid using the run as a recovery
2) Limit themselves to very quick breaks while doing wallballs


WOD - Partner Workout - 35 min AMRAP
100 cal row
50 chest to bar
50 deadlifts (185/115#)
50 HSPUs

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are ready to jump in as soon as it's their turn to work
2) Choose challenging scaling options for the gymnastics movements
*one partner working at a time, break up however you want

Strength / Skill
12 minutes to build to a working weight power snatch, then
every 90 seconds for 7 rounds complete 2 power snatch singles

WOD - 3 rounds for time (12 min cap)
10 hang power cleans (115/75#)
12 toes to bar
14 box jumps (24/20")
16 hand release push-ups

WOD: Snatches should be scales such that athletes never have to take more than two sets per round. Toes to bar scale to other hanging, kipping movements (knees to elbows, leg raises, knee raises).

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Hold consistent quality of reps while doing toes to bar
2) Focus on not taking extra steps backwards while coming down from box jumps

Strength / Skill
12 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 8 Good mornings
2) 10 pistols

WOD - 4 rounds
3 min AMRAP
- 10 cal bike
- 10 russian kb swings (70/53)
- 10 goblet lunges (70/53)
1:30 rest

WOD: All movements should be scaled such that they can be completed unbroken when fresh. The bike should be a sprint every time.

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Work with a heavier kb than usual
2) Push to complete as many of their sets as possible as unbroken sets

Strength / Skill
10 minutes to refresh rope climbs and select a scale, then
every 2 minutes for 5 rounds complete 2 rope climbs, with remaining time accumulate as much time as possible in a deadhang on the rig

WOD - Open workout 21.1 retest
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
21 wall walks
210 double-unders

*15 minute timecap

WOD: Wall walks scale to 3x z-press. Double unders scale to a couple of sets of a double under attempts + singles to finish the remaining jumps. Athletes without jump ropes scale to half as many lateral hops over a dumbbell.

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are intentional about holding a high standard for the start and finish position of wall walks
2) Take this as an opportunity to practice the skill of double unders