Hang Snatch
(1) In 10:00, build to a moderately heavy triple
(2) 4x3 with 80-85% of today's triple
3 Rounds For Time
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Squats, 50#/35#, left
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Squats, 50#/35#, right
20 Burpees
TIMECAP: 14:00
Hang Snatch
(1) In 10:00, build to a moderately heavy triple
(2) 4x3 with 80-85% of today's triple
3 Rounds For Time
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Squats, 50#/35#, left
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Squats, 50#/35#, right
20 Burpees
TIMECAP: 14:00