Thursday 3.12.20


Power Position Clean + Jerk
EMOMx7 for these sets 1 clean+ 1 Jerk. Aim to build across sets, but overall the focus here should be on technique and starting to find good clean positions. Ideally these jerks would be split.

3 Rounds:
7 Lateral bar Burpees
7 Deadlift, light
rest 2 minutes
3 rounds:
7 Lateral bar burpees
5 Deadlift, medium
rest 2 minutes
3 rounds:
7 Lateral bar burpees
3 Deadlift, heavy

Weight selection on this piece is individual, loading increases each successive set. Focus on sprinting the burpees, moving in strong positions on the deadlift each set.

Summer Ready 2020

12 Minutes steady:
20 bicycle crunches
10 Db side bends each side
1:00 plank hold

4 sets:
10 pulse squats with DB's
:45 wall sit, hold plate if needed

10 minute partner AMRAP:
Partner A rows 250M
Partner B does max burpees until rower finishes