Thursday 2.6.20


Deadlift 7x3
1 set of 3 reps every 1:30. If you did this last week build in weight by 10Lbs. If you did not get a chance, then aim for 85% of your 3RM established, or a weight that makes every look from start to finish look identical. No touch and go.

30-20-10 (13 Minute Cap)
Overhead Squat
Ring Dips

Level 3- 95/65
Level 2- 75/55
Level 1- A weight to allow sets of at least 10 reps at a time.


Bench Press
Perform 10 fairly heavy, 5 fairly heavy, 10 very heavy, 5 very heavy. Then drop 20% off the bar and perform an AMRAP set, then drop another 20% off of that and perform a second AMRAP set.

Skies Out, Thighs Out
4 Rounds:
15 speed squats (make sure athletes are not fully standing up here, leave each rep an inch short of lockout and focus on constant leg tension). Use around 40-50% of 1RM
10 Jumping lunges each leg
Rest 1:30 after each round, squats and lunges should be done back to back.

8 Minute AMRAP: In Partners, Alternating Sets:
7 DB Hang Clean and Jerks
Partner resting must hold a plank position