Wednesday 2.26.20


Today’s 6:30pm class is Bring-A-Friend to Class! All friends and co-workers welcome. No registration Required.

*6:30pm Bring-A-Friend WOD (other classes’ WOD is below it)

Skill: Pull-ups and Ring Rows

”Cindy on the run”
15 min aMRAP:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
After every 3 rounds, run 200m

Class WOD

12 Minute EMOM:
Min 1: XX muscle ups or 5-8 strict pull-ups
Min 2: 1 TGU each side heavy

For Time:
20 Power Snatches
400m Run
20 Overhead Squats
400M Run
20 T2B
400M Run
20 C2B

L3- 115/75
L2- 85/60
L1- A weight that allows for consistent sets of at least 5 on barbell and gymnastics movements.