Snatch 6x1
The focus of these reps is starting to get more comfortable with the exercise, not on loading. Although these are singles, do not treat them as heavy reps, instead a chance to practice perfect technique glightly heavier than the weights we typically would utilize.
2x5 Min AMRAP, Rest 2Min Between each
20 Cal Bike (Row if class is too large only) Buy-in
then, AMRAP in remaining time of:
7 Push Jerks
7 Pull-Ups
L3- C2B, 135/95
L2- 95/65
L1- A weight allowing for 7 unbroken reps to happen consistently into at least round 3-4
5 Minutes stretching Quads, Shoulders
12 Min EMOM:
Min 1: 15 overhead banded tricep extensions
Min 2: 10 Diamond Push-Ups
Min 3: 10 DB Bench press, heavy
4 rounds:
10 Tempo Db goblet squat 3 seconds down 3 seconds up
10 jumping goblet squat
:30 wall sit hold
rest as needed between rounds but keep transitions quick during rounds.
For Time:
40 Devil's press
Every minute on the minute stop and complete 5 burpees