Wednesday 12.19.18


4x3 with 85% if you know your 1RM, then an AMRAP set with 75%.
-Do not push the AMRAP to true failure, keep form perfect.
-NO TOUCH AND GO REPS, all must reset on the ground.
-If you did not test your deadlift max then perform 4x3 with a challenging but not maximal weight then an AMRAP with something you believe you can achieve around 10 reps with.

3 Rounds:
1:00 DB Thrusters
1:00 Box Jumps
1:00 KB Swings
1:00 Rest

Level 3- 35/25, 53/36
Level 2- 25/15, 36/26
Level 1- A weight that you can move quickly for a full minute. This should be sprint stle work, 3 minutes of all out effort followed by a recovery period. Do not allow this to become slow or grinding.