
Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

Included in warmup...
Assault Bike and Row 10 by 100M/15 Cal

Partner Up. Your rest is their row/bike. You should be biking/rowing at about 85% effort level.

Over Head Squats or Handstands, you pick. First things first, do some extra shoulder stability drills and mobility work.

Workout of the Day
3 Minute Rounds

Run/Row 100 Meters
Max Rep Sit-Ups

Run/Row 200 Meters
Max Rep Wallballs

Run/Row 100 Meters
Max Rep Russian Twists

Run/Row 200 Meters
Max Rep Ring Dips

Run/Row 100 Meters
Max Rep Sit-Ups

Each workout goes right into the next workout for a total of 15 minutes.

10/14 LB Wallball

14/20 LB Wallball

20/30 LB Wallball