Thursday, June 23rd
Make up any skill or strength work from earlier in the week or pursue your goals. We will be testing for goals in July. Yep, we want to see how far you have come and so should you!
Team WOD (20 Minute AFAP - As Far As Possible)
Each person in the team will alternate rowing 100/200/300/400/300/200/100 meters. While teammate 1 is rowing, teammate (2,3,4) will be performing one of the following movements for the amount of time it takes for the rower to compete their assigned distance. If this is a 2 person team, each time you come off the rower you will perform the next exercise in the list. If this is a team of more than 2, each person will just alternate their exercises when the rower is switched.
Burpee Buy-In (15 each)
Rowing (100/200/300/400/300/200/100)
KB or DB Snatch
Lunges (with or without kb/db)
Ring Rows (for everyone)
Medball Clean
25/35 LB Kettlebell
6/10 LB Wallball
25/44 LB Kettlebell
10/14 LB Wallball
35/53 LB Kettlebell
14/20 LB Wallball