Friday 7/9

Marathon WOD
15 Power Snatch, 95#/65#
30 sec L-Hold

15 Power Snatch, 95#/65#
30 sec L-Hold

15 Overhead Squats, 95#/65#
30 sec Hang from Pullup Bar or Chin over Bar

15 Overhead Squats, 95#/65#
30 sec Hang from Pullup Bar or Chin over Bar

30/20 Calorie Echo Bike, Row, or Ski
1 min Front Rack hold with barbell

30/20 Calorie Echo Bike, Row, or Ski
1 min Front Rack hold with barbell

Once completed, start back from the beginning...

Thursday 7/8

Skill Work
Rope Climb Development
(1) Teach the S-Hook and J-Hook
Then, athletes spend 10 minutes practicing one of the following, listed from lowest to highest proficiency

(1) Lying-to-Standing Rope Climb
(2) Feet Elevated Lying-to-Standing Rope Climb
(3) Partial Rope Climb (rope climb, using legs, part way up the rope)
(4) Rope Climb
(5) Legless Rope Climb

10 Rounds for Total Reps:
0:30 Pullups
0:30 Burpees
0:30 Double Unders
0:30 Rest