WOD – 37 minutes
0:00 to 17:00 minutes
1 Mile Run
Max Rounds of Cindy in remaining time
17:00 to 22:00 minutes
22:00 to 39:00 minutes
1 Mile Run
Max Rounds of DT in remaining time
L3: 135/95lb
L2: 115/75lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb
Athlete Notes:
-Today is a Benchmark Workout Mash-Up. If you need a refresher, one round of Cindy is 5 Pull-Ups + 10 Push-Ups + 15 Air Squats & one round of DT is 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Shoulder To Overhead.
-However, the primary objective today is to push your runs. Ideally you should be getting your mile run completed in 8:00 minutes or less, but the time cap will be 10:00 minutes.
-On DT, you should be able to do each individual movement unbroken, so be sure to select a load that will allow for that.
Score = Total Rounds + Reps
Hang Power Snatch
Complete a 5x5 Hang Power Snatch, focused on form and cycling the bar. Self-directed loading today.
WOD – 16 min Tabata
Kettlebell Swings
Plate Russian Twists
L3: 70/53lb KB and 35/25lb Plate
L2: 53/35lb KB and 25/15lb Plate (RX)
L1: 35/25lb KB and 15/10lb Plate
Athlete Notes:
-Tabata is 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest/transition.
-Today, you will go through all movements 8 times each for total of 16 minutes.
-Note your rep/calorie count for each movement and try to maintain that for the duration.
Score = Total Reps
Strict Press
Complete the following, aiming for a 1:00 minute rest between sets.
3x3 @75%
3x2 @80%
3x1 @85%
WOD – descending ladder for time, 14 min cap
20-16-12-8-4 reps of:
Bench Press
Calorie Row
L3: 155/105lb
L2: 135/95lb (RX)
L1: 115/75lb
Athlete Notes:
-On the Row, the Calories for women are 15-12-9-6-3.
-On the Bench Press, pick a load that allows you to complete Bench Press in 2-3 sets maximum.
-Transitions will be key to completing this work under time cap. But if you finish early, hop on the rower until time cap.
-If classes are too large, we will adjust to Dumbbell Floor Press.
Score = Time
Double Unders
If you are proficient at DU’s, complete Flight Simulator. If you are still working on your DUs, use this time to practice.
WOD – 2 rounds for time, 13 min cap
100ft (30m) Dual Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunge
10 Wall Walks
10 Devil Presses
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-This workout will challenge your muscular stamina but also your breathing, considering the movement patterns you will be working through.
-Today’s focus is to complete this work under the time cap which comes out to 6:30 minutes per round. But the secondary objective is to complete the Wall Walks in under 2:30 minutes per set. This is the place where you will probably have to rest the most, so be cognizant of not wasting too much time here.
-Regarding the Dual Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunge, 100ft will be 3 lengths of the gym.
Score = Time
Find your 5 rep max Deadlift.
WOD – x min ladder
Part A – 7 min ascending ladder
Wall Balls
Box Jumps
3:00 rest
Part B – 7 min descending/ascending ladder
Back Squats
Toes To Bar
L3: 25/20lb WB and 135/95lb BB
L2: 20/14lb WB and 115/75lb BB (RX)
L1: 14/10lb WB and 95/65lb BB
Athlete Notes:
-In Part A, the goal is to get into the round of 14 or 16 reps. Be mindful of starting out too fast, you want to make sure you can maintain good consistent sets even in the higher double digit numbers. Keep your transitions smooth between movements and really dial in your breathing early to be able to keep moving later on in the 7 minutes. Make sure you select a weight on the Wall Balls you have no doubt on completing each set unbroken.
-In Part B, select loading that allows you to complete your Back Squats sets unbroken. And on the Toes To Bar, each set should be completed in under 2 sets maximum.
-Please note, if you are coming to the “Lift and Sip” event tonight, consider adjusting movements today. For instance, choose a different Strength and consider subbing another movement for the Squats. (“Lift and Sip” will include heavy Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift.)
Score = Total Reps