WOD – for time, 38 min cap
Buy-In: 2000m/1600m Row
8 Rounds:
10 Toes To Bar
10 Power Cleans
10 Wall Balls
200m Run
L3: 135/95lb and 25/20lb
L2: 115/75lb and 20/14lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb and 14/10lb
Athlete Notes:
-The primary objective today is to challenge yourself. That can be with the Barbell loading, the Toes To Bar, or even the Wall Balls. Aim to push yourself out of your comfort zone today.
-The Buy-In should take under 8 minutes, which means you have 30 minutes left to complete the work. You will need to keep each round under 3:45 but just remember you will slow down towards the latter half of the work, so you really want to aim for 2:30-3:00 in the early rounds.
Score = Time
Bench Press
Set 1 = 10 reps @ 65%
Set 2 = 8 reps @ 70%
Set 3 = 6 reps @ 75%
Set 4 = 4 reps @ 80%
Set 5 = 2 reps @ 85%
Set 6 = 2 reps @ 90%
WOD – 17 min
5 min ascending ladder
Renegade Row (1-2-3…)
Box Jump (2-4-6…)
Rest 1:00 minute
5 min ascending ladder
Single Dumbbell Box Step Up (2-4-6…)
Push Press (2-4-6…)
Rest 1:00 minute
5 min ascending ladder
Kettlebell Swings (2-4-6…)
Alternating V-Ups (2-4-6…)
L3: 70/50lb DBs and 70/53lb KB
L2: 50/35lb DBs and 53/35lb KB (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DBs and 35/25lb KB
Athlete Notes:
-Varied movements throughout the workout today to keep it interesting.
-The Renegade Rows will be on the heavier side. Just remember to keep a wide stance with your feet and engage your core so you’re not rotating your hips.
-Use the 5 minute window to push yourself, knowing that you’ll have a 1:00 minute rest on the other side.
Score = Total Reps
Death By – 12 min
Shuttle Sprints
Accessory Work – 12 min
0:45 of work / 0:15 transition
Banded Good Mornings
Banded Cross Body Chop
Plank Hip Drops
Dead Bugs
WOD – 12 min AMRAP
50 Double Unders / 75 Single Unders
7 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
7/4 Calories on Echo Bike
30 Second Rest
Athlete Notes:
-Class will be split up into multiple groups today so there is enough room for each portion of work.
-On the Death By, start a 1, 2, 3 or 5 and increase each minute. If you fail before the time cap, take one minute off, reduce your reps by 3, and then complete that number of Sprints each minute until time.
-For the WOD today, consider each round a sprint. You’ll want to focus on maintaining high intensity on each interval to accumulate as many Cals as possible. You should aim to complete each round (inclusive of the rest) within 2:15-2:30 max.
-If you struggle to string your Double Unders together, do Single Unders today as the intent is to move very quickly through this work.
-In terms of the Chest To Bar Pull-Up, complete this work in 1-2 sets maximum. If that is not possible, you can scale down to Kipping Pull-Ups or 15 Ring Rows.
Score A = Number of Shuttle Sprints successfully completed in one minute
Score B = Echo Bike Calories
Ring Dips & Bent Over Row
Complete a 5x6 on each movement, alternating back and forth between the two movements. Self-directed loading on the Bent Over Row, aim for something that is relatively challenging.
WOD – 15 min E3MOM
10 Deadlifts
10 Dual Dumbbell Suitcase Lunges
25 Squat Jumps
L3: 225/155 and 70/50lb
L2: 185/125lb and 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 135/95 and 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-Lower body focus today. The Deadlifts and Lunges should be done at a steady pace, while the Squat Jumps should be completed as quickly as possible.
-The goal is to have at least 30 seconds of rest each round, which should be more that doable, especially in the earlier rounds.
-Pick a loading that allows you to complete the Deadlifts and Lunges in 1-2 sets maximum. If you need to break the work up into 3 sets in the last round, that is ok.
Score = Slowest Set
Famers Carry
Complete 8 sets of Farmers Carry, increasing in weight every other set. (Today, one set will be 4 lengths of the gym.)
WOD – 5 rounds (2:00 minutes on / 1:00 minute), 15 min
5 Handstand Push-Ups
16 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatches OR 10 Hang Power Snatch
Max Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell/Barbell in remaining time
L3: 70/50lb or 115/75lb and 8 HSPUs
L2: 50/35lb or 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb or 75/55lb
Athlete Notes:
-The goal for today is to have at least 45 seconds for the Burpees.
-The intensity should be high but you also don't want to spend all your energy in the first two rounds.
-A good way to approach this workout is by increasing your intensity through the rounds. Trying to accumulate more reps on each progressive set, really pushing the pace in the last round. This will be a challenge, considering the minute of rest won’t allow for full recovery but that is the focus.
-Select an appropriate weight on the Snatch that allows you to go unbroken for the first few rounds. You also have the option to choose Dumbbell or Barbell Snatch today.
-If you are proficient at 5 HSPUs, challenge yourself by increasing the rep count to 8.
Score = Total Burpee Over Dumbbell/Bar Reps