Programming 5/15 - 5/19

Overhead Squat

Complete a 7x3 with at least a 1:30 minute rest between sets. Self-directed loading today, aim for a moderate weight.

WOD – 3 rounds for time, 20 min cap
21 Deadlifts
10 Burpee Over Bar
15 Hang Power Cleans
10 Burpee Over Bar
9 Power Cleans

Rest 1:00 minute between rounds

L3: 135/95lb
L2: 115/85lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb

Athlete Notes:
-Today we have a heavier barbell cycling workout.
-The main focus is to try and keep similar times each round. Be mindful that as you progress through the round the movements get more and more challenging.
-Aim for two sets on the Deadlifts, recover on the Burpees, two to three sets on the Hang Power Cleans, recover on the Burpees and then do whatever you can on the Power Cleans to finish strong, whether that is to do single reps or touch and go reps.
-The weight overall isn't super heavy however, the volume and the combination will be very taxing. To complete this workout under the time cap, you need to be doing a round every 6 minutes, which is certainly achievable.
-You can try to push the loading of the movements if you wish, but ensure that it’s done safely.

Score = Time

Strict Pull-Ups

10 minute EMOM

Athlete Notes:
-Today should be a focus on pulling strength as there are Kipping Pull-Ups later this week. If you don’t have a Strict Pull-Ups, you can use a band for assistance or work on your negative.

WOD – 2 rounds, 18 minutes
2:00 minutes of Max Box Jump Overs
Rest 1:00 minute
2:00 minutes of Max Shoulder To Overhead
Rest 1:00 minute
2:00 minutes of Max Toes To Bar
Rest 1:00 minute

L3: 115/75lb
L2: 95/65lb and 24/20" (RX)
L1: 65/45lb

Athlete Notes:
-Great interval style workout today. The goal for these 2:00 minute work intervals is to not sprint each, but rather try and have a consistent work-to-rest ratio at all movements.
-On the Box Jump Overs, you should just keep moving through those without stopping but on the Shoulder to Overhead & Toes To Bar, the work-to-rest ratio is more applicable. Aim for small sets of reps with the exact duration rest break and repeat that for the entire two minutes.
-What you'll find is that you will stay under your threshold and be able to hopefully accumulate more reps then you would if you opened up with a huge set.

Score = Total Reps

WOD – for time, 38 min cap
Ascending ladder (10-20-30-40) of:
Calorie Echo Bike
Back Rack Lunges


5 Rounds
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
400 Meter Run


100 Sit-Ups

L3: 115/85lb Barbell and 81/62lb KB
L2: 95/65lb Barbell and 70/53lb KB (RX)
L1: 65/45lb Barbell and 53/35lb KB

Athlete Notes:
-On the Echo Bike, Women Calories = 7-14-21-28. If you’re using a C2 Bike, 1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00.
-This is a tough workout today, some of you may not finish and that is okay.

Score = Time


1 x 6 @70%
1 x 5 @75%
3 x 4 @80%

After each set, complete 8 Bent Over Rows at a Moderate Weight

Athlete Notes:
-The Bench Press percentage is based off of your 1 rep max.
-Focus on pressing your feet into the floor and engaging your glutes. This will help keep your upper body strong and held well into place.

WOD – for time, 25 min cap
100 Double Unders
40 Pull-Ups
10 Dumbbell Snatches
100 Double Unders
30 Pull-Ups
20 Dumbbell Snatches
100 Double Unders
20 Pull-Ups
30 Dumbbell Snatches
100 Double Unders
10 Pull-Ups
40 Dumbbell Snatches

L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb

Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for today is to complete this workout under the time cap.
-Today is a great day to go a little heavier on the Dumbbell Snatch. But make sure you scale the Pull-Ups appropriately. 100 reps is significant volume so adjust as needed.

Score = Time

Back Squat

Complete a heavy 5x3 at 75%-80% of your 1 rep max.

WOD – 14 minute AMRAP
40/32 Calorie Row
20 Dual Dumbbell Box Step-Overs
40/32 Calorie Row
20 Handstand Push-Ups

L3: 50/35lb
L2: 35/25lb and 24/20" (RX)
L1: 25/15lb and 14 HSPUs or 20 Box Pike Handstand Push-Ups

Athlete Notes:
-It’s a very CrossFit Open inspired workout today.
-The primary focus today is to accumulate 2 rounds.
-The big emphasis for this workout is the Row. Maintain a strong pace on each set of Calories to ensure you do not lose too much time.
-On the Step-Overs, you should be selecting a pair of Dumbbells that will allow you to complete the 20 desired reps within no more than two sets, but ideally one set.
-And finally, on the Handstand Push-Ups, complete the 20 reps within 3-4 sets maximum.

Score = Reps