Programming 5/22 - 5/26

Push Press

Complete a 6x6 resting 90 seconds between each set.

Set 1 at 60%
Set 2 at 65%
Set 3 at 70%
Set 4-6 at 75%

WOD – 20 min
6 min AMRAP
7/5 Calorie Echo Bike
3 Power Cleans
7 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 3:00 minutes and decrease weight

5 min AMRAP
7/5 Calorie Echo Bike
5 Power Cleans
5 Bar Facing Burpees

Rest 2:00 minutes and decrease weight

4 min AMRAP
7/5 Calorie Echo Bike
7 Power Cleans
3 Bar Facing Burpees

L3: 185/125lb, 155/105lb, 135/95lb
L2: 155/105lb, 135/95lb, 115/75lb (RX)
L1: 135/95lb, 115/75lb, 95/65lb

Athlete Notes:
-Great interval style workout today. With each AMRAP, focus on increasing your intensity relative to the time frame set for you.
-The primary goal is to complete 3-4 rounds of each AMRAP. The loading of the Cleans gets lighter which should allow you to cycle the barbell slightly easier each round.

Score = Total Rounds + Reps

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

Complete a 5x7 on each side, increasing your Kettlebell weight every other round.

WOD – for time, 18 min cap
Toes To Bar

Rest 2:00 minutes and increase weight

Toes To Bar

Rest 2:00 minutes and increase weight

Toes To Bar

L3: 115/75lb, 135/95lb, 155/105lb
L2: 95/65lb, 115/75lb, 135/95lb (RX)
L1: 75/55lb, 95/65lb, 115/75lb

Athlete Notes:
-It’s a classic CrossFit couplet today. The primary goal is to complete this under the time cap.
-Keep in mind, this is not a sprint workout. Instead, you should focus on moving with good quality on the thrusters and trying your best to work through big sets.
-The loading of the Thruster starts moderate and gets heavy, so be mindful of that and understand you're going to have to put a lot of effort into those reps, especially in the later rounds. Ideally, you are picking a weight in which you can always complete the volume within 2 sets maximum.
-On your Toes To Bar, this is your active rest time where you're away from the barbell and it allows your legs to recover.

Score = Time

WOD – 5 rounds, 30 minutes
Minute 1: Max Power Snatches
Minute 2: Rest
Minute 3: Max Double Unders
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5: Max Reps of Your Choice: Single Dumbbell Box Step-Ups or Single Dumbbell Lunges
Minute 6: Rest

Cash out: 400m Run + 400m Medball Run

L3: 70/50lb DB, 115/75lb BB, 25/20lb MB
L2: 50/35lb DB, 95/65lb BB, 20/14lb MB (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DB, 75/55lb BB, 14/10lb MB

Athlete Notes:
-The goal is to try and accumulate as many reps as possible at each station. Considering it is one minute on/one minute off, try to push fairly hard each minute to get as many reps as you can.
-On the Power Snatches, pick a weight that you can start off with touch and go reps.
-On the Double Unders and Step-Ups, it is more about constant movement and finding a rhythm early on.
-You're going to accumulate a lot of volume today so during theminute of rest, sip on water and relax as much as you can because this will be a long workout. This is also a mental challenge, try your best to stay engaged and think about consistency in your round scores.

Score = Total Reps


If you have your Pistol, complete 4 rounds: 1:00 minute of max alternating Pistols / 2:00 minute rest. If you are new to Pistols, today is a great day to practice and work on technique and ankle mobility.

Part A: 0:00 – 8:00
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Every minute, including 0:00 complete 10 Wall Balls

Part B: 8:00 – 16:00
5 rounds of
20 Abmat Sit-Ups
10 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

L3: 81/62lb
L2: 70/53lb (RX)
L1: 53/35lb

Athlete Notes:
-On Part A, the primary focus is to try and cycle the Kettlebell as quickly as possible with whatever time you have left in the minute. You should be aiming for about 30 seconds on the Swings, accumulating 15-20 reps each round.
-On Part B, the Kipping Handstand Push-Ups are going to be the limiter so be smart with how you scale them. You should aim to complete the 10 reps within 2-3 sets maximum. If you can’t do the prescribed volume, do what you can and then complete the remaining reps as a Seated Press. Abmat Sit-Ups is where you can make up time but be ready for the fatigue to kick in, especially as this movement can conflict with your Handstand Push-Ups.

Score 1 = Part A Time
Score 2 = Part B Time

Ring Dips

8 minute EMOM: Complete a set of Ring Dips followed by 5-10 Push-Ups

WOD – 3 rounds, 24 min
Every 8:00 minutes, complete:
40/32 Calorie Row
30 Box Jump Overs
20 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks
10 Deadlifts

L3: 70/50lb DB and 315/205lb BB
L2: 50/35lb DB and 275/185lb BB (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DB and 225/155lb BB

Athlete Notes:
-Great chipper workout today.
-The primary goal is to complete each set in under 8 minutes while maintaining consistent times throughout your rounds.
-Ideally you are getting at least two minutes of rest each set to ensure you have enough energy to maintain good intensity on the remaining rounds.
-For both your Dumbbell & Barbell, these should be loads you can complete the desired reps within 2 sets maximum each round. The Deadlift weight should be moderate to heavy but one you can still move well.

Score = Slowest Set