WOD - 40 min EMOM
1 - cal row
2 - toes to bar
3 - db snatch
4 – rest
Athletes should pick a rep count that allows them to be consistent throughout the workout. Remember to be consistent but to also push yourself as there is already a rest built into this workout.
If you cannot maintain the T2B, switch to knee raises or V-ups.
Strength / Skill
Back squat
6 x 3 with 2 second pause at the bottom
WOD - 16 min AMRAP
45 double unders or 90 single unders
10 hang power cleans
10 push jerk
10 burpee over bar
Lvl 1) (65/95)
Lvl 2) (75/115)
Lvl 3) (95/135)
Strength / Skill
Bench Press
6 x 2
WOD 3 - 4 rounds for time (20 min cap)
400m run
21 kb swings (53/35#)
15 pull-ups
9 box jump
Note: If you can complete 3 rounds in under 15 minutes, go for a 4th round.
If you are an advanced athlete, consider doing 5 muscles ups per round or jumping on a higher box. Or both...
Strength / Skill
7 x 3
WOD - 8 min AMRAP
500m c2 bike
20 wall balls (20/14#)
rest 2 mins
8 min AMRAP
20 med ball sit-ups
1 minute plank
Strength / Skill
14 min EMOM
1) 8 strict press
2) 20 russian twist
WOD - 3 rounds for time (18 min cap)
750/600m row
8 devil's press (40/30#)
16 weighted lunges (40/30#)