Programming 9/12 - 9/16

Strength / Skill
Back Squats
6 sets of:
3 heavy back squats above 80% of your 1RM, then immediately do 12 goblet squats.
Note: Back squats should be completed at the same heavy weight across the 6 sets.

WOD - 14 minute AMRAP
200m run
12 push press
12 box jump overs

Lvl 1) 65/95
Lvl 2) 75/115
Lvl 3) 95/135

Strength / Skill
Clean work
Increase weight with each cycle

WOD - 4 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts (185/115)
16 wall balls
20 pull-ups / or 4-6 muscle-ups ‘challenge yourself’

Deadlift Work:
Lvl 1) 95/135
Lvl 2) 115/185
Lvl 3) 155/225

Strength / Skill
Bench Press
5 sets of:
5 reps above 70%. After each set complete a submaximal set of push-ups.

WOD - 3 rounds for time:
2000m bike
25 kb swings (53/35)
16 weighted lunges with KB

‘Today is a shoulder killer’
Strength / Skill
16 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 6 - 12 hand stand push-ups
2) 12 barbell bent over rows

WOD - 20 minute Ascending Ladder
1 burpee (1, 2, 3, 4...)
2 db snatches (2, 4, 6, 8... ) weight (50/35)
After each round complete 30 double unders or 50 single unders.

*add 1 burpee, and 2 db snatches each round

Strength / Skill
Toe 2 Bar
Complete 4-5 sets of the following:
Max set of T2B
Immediately into a 1 minute plank
2 minute rest between rounds.

Note: If you do not have your T2B, use this time to learn and practice.

30 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65)
30 thrusters (95/65)
1500m row
30 thrusters (95/65)
30 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65)