Strength / Skill
Back Squat 1 rep max
Note: We will be starting a new Back Squat cycle next week. Use this to time find your baseline.
WOD - "Helen"
3 rounds for time (16 min timecap)
400m run
21 kb swings (53/35#)
12 pull ups
* If you complete Helen in sub 12 minutes, add a 4th round.
Strength / Skill
20 minutes of dedicated handstand skill work;
Athletes must complete as many reps as possible in a 3 minute window, which can be completed at any time during the 20 minutes
If you are new to handstand work, spend today working on your wall walk and handstand wall kick up.
WOD - retest open 14.5 (20 min timecap)
thrusters (95/65#)
bar over burpees
Lvl 1 - Thruster (65/45#)
Lvl 2 - Thruster (95/65#)
Lvl 3 - Thruster (115/85#)
Strength / Skill
20 mins to build to and complete 6 x 3 hang power cleans
WOD - 16 min AMRAP
40 lunges
30 sit ups
20 box jumps
10 devils press (25/40#)
If you want to challenge yourself, consider:
KB Lunges (35/26#)
Box Jumps (24/30) inch
Devils Press (35/50#)
Strength / Skill
emom for 16 minutes
even: 16 bulgarian split squats
odd: strict pull ups
WOD - 5 rounds for time (20 min timecap)
20 wall balls
500m row
Lvl 1 - WB (14/10#)
Lvl 2 - WB (20/14#)
Lvl 3 - WB (25/20#), also put rower damper at 8
WOD - 40 min amrap
16 power snatches (95/65#)
1000m bike (1200m echo)
16 toes to bar
1000m bike
16 overhead squat (95/65#)
Lvl 1 - Bar Weight (65/45#)
Lvl 2 - Bar Weight (95/65#)
Lvl 3 - Bar Weight (115/85#)