WOD - Partner WOD
One partner works while the other rests, complete the following:
2000m row
150 goblet squats (53/35)
100 pull-ups
50 squat cleans (155/105)
100 push-ups
150 sit-ups
45 minute cap
If you need a little bit more of a challenge, don’t rest, but instead hold a static position.
Plank / hollow rock / dead bar hang / wall sit
Strength / Skill
Complete 7 sets of the following complex, building in weight.
1 Push press
2 Power jerks
WOD - 16 minute AMRAP
400m run
12 deadlifts (225/155)
48 double unders
Strength / Skill
Back Squats
Establish a heavy set of 5
then complete
4 x 3 @ the same weight
WOD – 5 Rounds
3 minute running clock
12 snatches (95/65)
12 toes to bar
Max weighted box step ups
*use a challenge weight that will allow you to go unbroken until the end of the 3 minute mark.
1 minute rest between rounds
Strength / Skill
14 minute Alternating EMOM
1) :40 farmer's carry
2) 12-16 bicep curls
*summer 2023 is right around the corner...
WOD - 7 minute AMRAP
2 wall walks
8 kb swings (70/53)
12 overhead lunges (75/55)
3 minute rest
6 minute AMRAP
1 wall walk
5 kb swings (70/53)
8 overhead lunges (75/55)
Strength / Skill
8 x 2
WOD - 3 rounds
1000m bike
30 wallballs
20 cleans (95/65)
10 burpee box jumps