Programming 10/10 - 10/14

Strength / Skill
Complete 7 sets of the following complex

Snatch deadlift + power snatch + snatch

WOD - 10 - 9 - ... - 2 - 1
Chest to bar pull-ups

L2: 225/155
L3: 275/185

14 minute time cap

Strength / Skill
Back Squat
6 x 2

Final back squats before next week's 1-RM retest

WOD - 7 minute AMRAP
7 hand stand push-ups
13 wall balls

3 minute rest

5 minute AMRAP
5 hand stand push-ups
9 wall balls

Strength / Skill
Double unders

Double unders skill instruction
Note: We are practicing this still today as you will see it in the actual WOD on Friday. Skill work, then implementation.

10 minute alternating EMOM
1) max double unders
2) 12 db lateral raises

WOD - 5 rounds for time:
300m row
20 db snatches 
10 box jumps (30"/24")

L1: 35/25
L2: 50/35
L3: 70/50

20 minute time cap

WOD - Every 6:00 for 36 minutes:
400m run
10 thrusters
10 toes to bar

L1: 85/55
L2: 115/75
L3: 135/95

Strength / Skill
18 minute alternating EMOM

1) 4 overhead squats
2) 12 db bent over rows
3) rest

WOD - 12 minute AMRAP
14 double db lunges
16 double db floor press
42 double unders

L1: 35/25
L2: 50/35
L3: 70/50