Programming 10/17 - 10/21

Strength / Skill
10 mins to find a heavy 5 push press; then every 90 seconds for 5 rounds, complete 3 reps at the same weight. 

WOD - 4 rounds for time (20 min cap)
12 burpees
14 box jumps
16 kb swings (53/35#)
18 kb step ups

L1: 35/20
L2: 53/35
L3: 70/53

Strength / Skill
1 rep max back squat retest

WOD - 12 min AMRAP
250m row
20 wall balls
10 deadlift (225/155#)

L1: 185/125
L2: 225/155
L3: 275/185

Strength / Skill
15 minutes of dedicated handstand skill work - athletes can work on wall walks, handstand push ups, handstand holds, freestanding handstands, handstand walks... etc. 

WOD - open workout 20.2
20 min AMRAP
4 db thrusters (50/35#)
6 toes to bar
24 double unders

L1: 35/20
L2: 50/35
L3: 70/50

Strength / Skill
5 sets of the following complex: 
1 snatch balance and 2 overhead squats

WOD - every 3 minutes for 4 rounds:
1000m bike
max clean and jerk (165/115#)
*rest 1 min between rounds

L1: 135/95
L2: 165/115
L3: 185/125

Strength / Skill
6 x 4 bench press

WOD - 6 rounds for time (18 min cap)
200m run
10 pull-ups
10 push press (115/75#)

L1: 95/65
L2: 115/75
L3: 135/95