This week we are continuing our general Open prep while introducing two new strength cycles. The primary way we are preparing for the Open is completing workouts with steady effort to increase general work capacity. We will be working on our snatch over the coming weeks and are establishing a baseline 1-RM for reference. Additionally, we are starting a higher volume back squatting cycle that will both begin and conclude with a 10-RM benchmark. Both strength cycles correspond with general fitness goals as well as preparation for the Open. There is frequently a heavy Olympic lifting test in the Open, and the strength endurance qualities gained from hard, high volume squatting are greatly rewarded by many of the Open’s other tests.
WOD - 40 min EMOM
1 - bike cals
2 - wall balls (20/14#)
3 - toes to bar
4 - rest
Coaches Notes
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) stay moving for the entire minute
2) pick a number of cals/reps and stick with it for as long as possible
Strength / Skill
12 mins to complete 5 sets of the following complex at moderate weights.
- hang power snatch
- overhead squat
- power snatch
- squat snatch
10 min to establish snatch 1 RM
WOD - 4 rounds
In 3:00 minutes complete:
12 box jumps (24/20")
24 KB swings (53/35#)
12 burpees
rest 60 seconds between rounds
Coaches Notes
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) push HARD to give themselves extra rest
2) limit rest to the 60 seconds between rounds
Athletes should scale the reps down to 10/20/10 if they cannot complete the work in 3 minutes
Retest Open 17.5
10 rounds for time (30 minute cap)
9 thrusters (95/65#)
35 double unders
In 8 minutes accumulate as many rounds as possible of:
10 push ups
10 DB bicep curls (each arm)
Coaches Notes
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) break up the thrusters to avoid too much rest
2) keep a clam and consistent pace
3) beat your original 17.5 score
Accessories: This is accessory work and is NOT for time. Just get some extra work on push ups and bicep curls. Summer 2022 is around the corner.
Strength / Skill
20 minutes to establish back squat 10 RM
WOD - 4 rounds for time (16 minute cap)
15 deadlifts
8 power cleans
7 front squat
200m run
*135/95# for all movements
Coaches Notes
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) keep movements unbroken for as long as possible
2) keep a consistent pace for all rounds
Aerobic Work
20 minute E5MOM
- row 500m hard
- row easy until 4 min
- rest for final minute
WOD - 16 min AMRAP
8 chest to bar
10 double DB push press (50/35#)
12 box step-ups w/ DBs
Coaches Notes
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) pick a challenging scale for the c2b
2) pace themselves to allow 16 minutes of work, limiting rest between transitions