Strength / Skill
7 min of kipping/butterfly pull-up skill work
12 min alternating EMOM
1) 0:20 max pull-ups
2) 0:30 max z-press
WOD - 12 minute AMRAP
12 kb swings (70/53)
500m bike
24 sit-ups
500m bike
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Don't use the bike as a rest
2) Swing a heavier kettlebell than usual for a workout
Strength / Skill
Back squat
5 x 7 @ 90% of 10RM
- or -
Establish 10 RM
WOD - 3 rounds for time
12 hang cleans (155/105)
200m run
8 push press (155/105)
200m run
WOD: 15 minute time cap. Scale barbell weights such that either movement can be completed in two sets or less when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Use a heavier weight that usual for barbell movements
2) Pick up the barbell right away after getting in from the run
WOD - 10 rounds for time
10 burpees
7 toes to bar
4 deadlifts (275/185)
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Go heavy on the deadlifts
2) Continue to do reps of a hard scaling for toes to bar for every rep of all ten rounds
Strength / Skill
High hang power snatch
4 x 3
Hang power snatch w/ 3 second pause at knee
5 x 2
Overhead squat
4 x 3
WOD - Every 3:00 x 3
25/21 calorie row sprint
The intention for the row here is to close out the day with three very high intensity sprint intervals. The format allows for a unique stimulus for our anaerobic (short term, non-oxygen necessitated) energy systems. Exercise like this will help develop capacity to handle and recover from stints of great exertion in the midst of other workouts. The goal here is to push hard enough on each sprint that the following sprints cannot be done at quite the same high speed. The rest won’t be quite long enough to produce the same level of output from round to round, but should be enough to allow for high effort.
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Pull each sprint as if it's the last one
2) Focus on strong leg drive with each pull
Strength / Skill
14 minute alternating EMOM
1) 8 front rack lunges
2) Handstand push-up progression
Handstand push-up progression:
A) 10 heavy z-press
B) 1 - 2 kick up to wall
C) 1 - 3 wall walks
D) 6 - 10 hspu
WOD - 14 minute AMRAP
10 box jumps
10 ring dips
10 pistols
WOD: Scale ring dips to banded or jumping ring dips (with control at the top). Scale pistols to single leg squats using the rack for balance, or single leg squatting one with one leg off of the box to a moderately challenging depth. Pistols may be scaled to 30 air squats if needed.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Focus on good lockout and control at the top of all ring dips
2) Choose a challenging scaling for pistols