Lawn Mower


In 16 Minutes:
Pick 2 of the following and perform:
1 Max Effort Set
2-3 x 60% of max rep set. You can choose the number of sets based on your fatigue levels, and the difficulty of the movement to do multiple sets. If you need more than one attempt to find a max (ie. Handstand walk or DU, you may take up to 4 attempts for the max portion) Try to beat your max effort sets from last week by 2-3 reps. 

Pick 2: 
Pull-Ups (C2B or standard) 
Handstand Push-Ups (Scale to Push-Ups or Dips) 
Handstand Walk
Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) 
Pistols (max set ends when you have to pause, honor system with these

20 Minute Time Cap
3 Rounds For Time
400M Run
10-10-10 Unbroken C2B Pull-Ups
200M Run
10-10-10 Unbroken HSPU

Sets must be unbroken in order for it to count. Cannot perform these as 15-15 or any other set number, must be 10 reps at a time.