Friday 12.21.18


Spend 12-15 Minutes working on bar kipping mechanics for Pull-Up/T2B/Muscle Up.

For Time:
30 Calorie Row/
24 Calorie Bike
20 Overhead Squats
20 Pull-Ups
(7 Minute Cap)

Level 3- 95/65
Level 2- 75/55
Level 1- A weight to go unbroken and FAST on the thrusters. This is an all out sprint piece and should not have large breaks. Encourage athletes to sprint hard on the row/bike, since a lot of the time in this workout will be spent there. Pull-Ups should take no more than 4 sets with short rest.

Tabata Plank Hold
On the final :20 work interval, the class will have a competition to see who can hold their final plank longest. Hold until there is only one person left remaining.