Clean & Jerk
Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes
Perform 1 rep of the complex
Clean Pull+ Clean+ Jerk
*use the clean pull as a chance to practice the fundamentals of your pull, then perfect it on the next rep. If you're proficient in technique then build up to a heavy set for this complex starting at around 75% of 1RM. If newer to the lifts then spend this time practicing clean technique and getting more comfortable pulling from the floor.
Push Jerk
Wall-Ball x2 reps
Rest 3 Minutes
Power Clean
Wall-Ball x2 Reps
Level 3- 135/95, 20/14
Level 2- 115/85, 20/14
Level 1- A weight that allows you to do the push jerks in 2 sets or less in the first piece, and the power cleans in 3 sets or less for each set.
*For this workout there is an 8 Minute Cap on each individual segment. The goal is to sprint each segment with a short rest in between.