Tuesday, June 14th, 2016
Make this part of the Warm-Up. Partner Up. Your rest is their run. You should be running/rowing at about 80% effort level.
3 x 400M Run
3 x 500M Row
Core Strength Work
3 Sets of:
10 V-Ups
10 Russian Twists w/KB
10 Elevated Presses w/KB
Plank for 60 seconds and then rest for 2 minutes between sets.
Workout of the Day
12 Minute AMRAP Ladder- Get to 10! (time left, go back down)
1 Power Clean
1 Burpee Over Bar
2 Power Cleans
2 Burpees Over Bar
Are you pickin up what we are putting down ;)...
65/95 LB Barbell
95/135 LB Barbell
115/165 LB Barbell