Monday, June 13th, 2016
Strength: Back squat deload week
5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60%
Note: Don’t put the barbell down during the set.
Metcon: 20 Minute Total Time
You Pick: 1 Mile Run or 2K Row
And then with remaining time get right into the AMRAP of...
10 KB Swing (should never break set)
20 Sit-Ups
30 Double Unders
25/35 Kettlebell
35/53 Kettlebell
53/72 Kettlebell
Note To All: Each time you break set of 30 dubs 60 singles = 5 burpees. Only 1 penalty of burpees per set of double unders. Meaning, if you hit your foot on jump 10, do 5 burpees and then continue jump rope. If you hit your foot again on jump 22, just finish the set of jump rope.