Thursday 10/7

Power Snatch
5- 8 min of snatch progression + 14 min E2MOM: 2 snatch grip deadlifts 1 hang power snatch below the knee 1 hang power snatch above the knee

Diane Went Rowing for time with 17 minute time cap
21-15-9 Deadlift (225/155#)
500/400m after each round

Wednesday 10/6

20 minutes to build to and complete 6 x 5 bench press.
After each set athletes should complete a difficult set of unbroken supinated grip pull-ups.

5 min AMRAP
7 devils press (50/35#)
10 box jumps (24/20")
rest 3 minutes
then repeat for another 5 min AMRAP

Tuesday 10/5

Front Squats
12 mins to build and complete 3 x 3 front squat with a 3 second tempo on the way down and 2 second hold in the bottom.
Then E2MOM complete 5 reps using the same weight, without the tempo or pause for 4 rounds (8 mins).

3 rounds for time with 10 minute time cap
8 hang power cleans (135/95#)
8 push jerks (135/95#)
16 pull-ups