Programming 2/10 - 2/14

Back Squat

10 min EMOM
Complete 3 reps every minute on the minute starting at 65% and increasing to 80% - 85% over the 10 minute period.

WOD A – for time, 10 min cap
30/24 - 24/20 - 18/16 - 12/9
Calorie Row
Jump Lunges (on each leg)

Rest 3:00 minutes

WOD B – for time, 10 min cap
18 - 15 - 12 - 9
Single Dumbbell Box Step-Overs
Burpee Box Jump Overs

L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb

Score = No score today

Rope Climbs & Run

14 min AMRAP
Complete a 200m run, followed by 1-2 Rope Climbs, and repeat. No need to speed through this, just maintain a steady pace.

If you are newer to climbing the rope, use this time to learn and practice.

WOD - for time, 16 min cap
6 Hang Power Cleans
9 Toes To Bar
12 Push-Ups

Pick a comfortable starting weight for your Power Clean and increase weight with each round.

Starting Weight:
L3: 95/65lb
L2: 75/55lb (RX)
L1: 65/45lb

Score = Heaviest Weight Completed

WOD – descending ladder for time, 40 min cap
Russian Kettlebell Swing (20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2)
Wall Balls (20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2)
Deadlifts (10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1)
Alternating V-Ups (20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2)

After each set, complete 14/10 Calories on the Echo Bike

L3: 70/53lb KB, 225/155lb BB, and 25/20lb WB
L2: 53/35lb KB, 185/125lb BB, and 20/14lb WB (RX)
L1: 35/26lb KB, 135/95lb BB, and 14/10lb WB

Athlete Notes:
-These are high volume reps, but you will have Bike breaks before you get back into your next set. Scale your weight so you can complete each set unbroken.
-On the Bike, make sure you pick a pace that is challenging, but something you can maintain throughout the duration of the workout.

Score = Time


WOD – for time, 23 min cap

1 Mile Run

Rest 3 minutes

21 - 15 - 9

(We call this the Carter Special.)

Score = Time

Accessory Work - pick your poison:
Ab Lab
Recovery Bike
Bi’s and Tri’s

Bench Press

5x5 at 70%
3x3 at 80%

WOD - 14 min AMRAP
5 Renegade Rows
7 Dual Dumbbell Snatch
50 Double Unders / 100 Single Unders

Cash out (to be completed as a group): 100 Blank Bar Bicep Curls

L3: 50/35lb
L2: 35/25lb (RX)
L1: 25/15lb

Score = Rounds + Reps