Programming 9/9 - 9/13

Strict Press

Complete a 5x5 at 70%-75% of your 1RM. Then complete a 3x3 at 75%-80% of your 1RM. Take ample rest between sets.

WOD – 4 rounds, 16 minutes

3:00 minutes on / 1:00 minute off

200m Run
3-5 Wall Walks / 12-15 HSPUs
Max Dual Dumbbell Thrusters in remaining time

L3: 50/35lb
L2: 40/30lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb

Score = Total Thrusters

Bike Sprints

10 second sprint / 50 second rest
20 second sprint / 40 second rest
30 second sprint / 30 second rest

Repeat 2 more times

WOD – 2 rounds for time, 15 min cap
30/24 Calorie Row
25 Toes To Bar
20 Deadlifts
15 Burpees

If you want an extra challenge today, double the reps and just do one round.

L3: 255/175lb
L2: 225/155lb (RX)
L1: 185/125lb

Score = Time

Hang Snatch

Every 90 seconds, for 8 rounds, complete 3 reps, starting at 60% and increasing in weight every other set.

WOD – 20 minute AMRAP
1 Clean and Jerk  (75% of your 1RM)
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats

No levels today

Score = Rounds + Reps

Bench Press

Round 1
Starting at 50%-60% of your 1RM, complete 7 reps lowering the barbell only halfway. Then complete 7 reps from the bottom position to halfway up. Then complete 7 full reps.

Round 2 and 3
Increase weight and reduce reps to 5/5/5

Round 4 and 5
Increase weight and reduce reps to 3/3/3

WOD – descending ladder for time, 21 min cap
Box Jump Overs
Kettlebell Swings
Jump Lunges

WOD – for time, 35 min cap
400m Run
50 Overhead Squats
50 Front Squats
50 Back Squats
400m Run
50 Strict Press
50 Push Press
50 Push Jerk
400m Run
50 Hang Power Cleans
50 Hang Power Snatches
400m Run

No levels today – use a blank bar (45/35lb)

Score = Time