Programming 8/5 - 8/9

Back Rack Lunges

Complete a 5x10 starting at a light to medium load and increases with each set.

WOD – for time, 20 min cap
Thrusters (27-21-15-9-3)
Wall Walks (7-6-5-4-3)

After each set of Thrusters/Wall Walks, complete 50 Double Unders

L3: 115/75lb
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 65/45lb

Score = Time

Bench Press

4 rounds:
1:00 minute of max reps at 50%-60% of your 1RM
Rest 2:00 minutes and decrease weight by 10%

WOD – 2 rounds, 24 min

4 Minute AMRAP
8 Toes To Bar
8 Dual Dumbbell Power Cleans
12/9 Calorie Row

Rest 2:00 minutes

4 Minute AMRAP
8 Toes To Bar
8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
12/9 Calorie Row

Rest 2:00 minutes

L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb and Straight Legged Raises or Knee Raises

Score = Total Rounds + Reps

WOD – for time, 40 min cap
1200m Run
100 Box Jumps
100 Alternating V-Ups
100 Single Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
100 Jump Lunges
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings
1200m Run

L3: 70/53lb DB and 80/62lb KB
L2: 50/35lb DB and 70/53lb KB (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DB and 53/35lb KB

Score = Time

Farmers Carry

8 rounds of:
100m Farmers Carry (heavy)
30 second Hollow Hold

WOD – 15 min

Every 90 seconds, complete:
7/4 Calories on Echo Bike
5 Devil’s Press

L3: 50/35lb
L2: 35/25lb (RX)
L1: 25/15lb

Score = Slowest Round

Front Squats

Complete a 5x5 at 70% of your 1RM

WOD – 17 min

7 min ascending ladder (1-2-3-4-5…)
Shoulder To Overhead
Strict Pull-Ups

Rest 3:00 minutes and reduce weight

7 min ascending ladder (2-4-6-8-10…)
Shoulder To Overhead
Chest To Bar Pull-Ups

L3: 155/105lb and 115/75lb
L2: 135/95lb and 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 115/75lb and 65/45lb

Score = Total Reps