WOD – 3 rounds for time, 25 min cap
40/32 Calorie Echo Bike
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
20 Handstand Push-Ups
100ft Dual Dumbbell Walking Lunge
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-Nice long chipper workout to open up the week today.
-The goal is to complete this workout under the time cap. The big thing to be mindful of is the pace on your Echo Bike, make sure you're moving at a pace that will still allow for good intensity to work through the other movements to follow.
-For the Dumbbell lunges, you can hold in the Suitcase Position or up on the Front Rack position depending on your preference.
-When scaling your Handstand Push-Ups, make sure you're able to complete all 20 reps within 2-3 sets maximum. Scaling options include: Wall Walks (scale down to 5 reps), Box Pike Handstand Push-Ups, or Hand Release Push-Ups.
-100ft will be 3 lengths of the gym, from the first wood column to the third wood column.
Score = Time
Accessory Strength Work – 20 min
100 Bicep Curls, moderate to heavy loading
100 Banded Face Pulls
100 Banded Upright Rows
Overhead Squat
Complete an 8x3 with a 1:00 minute rest between sets.
Set 1 & 2 = 50%
Set 3 & 4 = 60%
Set 5 & 6 = 70%
Set 7 & 8 = 80%
WOD – 12 minute AMRAP
1 Box Jump
1 Power Clean
1 Bar Muscle-Up / 2 Chest To Bar / 3 Pull-Ups
2 Box Jumps
2 Power Clean
2 Bar Muscle-Ups / 3 Chest To Bar / 4 Pull-Ups
3 Box Jumps
3 Power Clean
3 Bar Muscle-Ups / 4 Chest To Bar / 5 Pull-Ups
Continue adding 1 rep to each movement until the time cap.
L3: 185/125lb
L2: 155/105lb (RX)
L1: 135/95lb
Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for today is to complete 7+ rounds.
-The loading of the Power Cleans should be challenging and is a load you have to complete the desired reps in small sets or even singles.
-On the gymnastic work, you want to complete most sets unbroken considering the volume will stay towards the lower side each set. However, if you need to scale the Bar Muscle-Ups, you will increase the volume slightly.
Score = Reps
Ab Lab – 5 minutes
WOD – 5 rounds, 35 min EMOM:
Min A: 5 Renegade Rows
Min B: 10 Dual Dumbbell Push Press
Min C: 6 Deadlift
Min D: 10 Kettlebell Swings
Min E: 7 Bench Press
L3: 70/50lb DB, 275/185lb DL, 70/53lb KB, 155/105lb Bench
L2: 50/35lb DB, 225/155lb DL, 53/35lb KB, 135/95lb Bench (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DB, 185/125lb DL, 35/26lb KB, 95/65lb Bench
Athlete Notes:
-Today is a long, strength-based EMOM.
-Pick a challenging weight for these movements and maintain good form throughout the entire duration.
-This should feel like a slow, but achievable burn. It will be tomorrow where you feel the aftereffects.
No Score today
Farmers Carry
Complete 4 sets of a 200m Farmers Carry. Pick a weight that you can hang onto for the entire length, which may be a lot lighter than normal. Do not set your Kettlebells down once you start your set.
WOD – for time, 20 min cap
50/40 Calorie Row
100 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls
100 Double Unders
50 Toes To Bar
100 Double Unders
50/40 Calorie Row
L3: 25/20lb
L2: 20/14lb (RX)
L1: 14/10lb
Athlete Notes:
-The goal is to complete the work within the time cap. But don't let the high volume movements get into your head today. Have a plan from the start to break things up in a way that works best for you.
-This is a great time to test your double under capacity and see how you fair with that.
-Wherever possible, keep the movements as prescribed and just scale the reps. If you don’t have Double Unders, practice the movement for 90 seconds and then move on.
Score = Time
Ring Dips
10 minute EMOM
Complete 5-8 reps each minute
WOD – for time, 18 min cap
800m Run
21-15-9-3 of Power Snatches
42-30-18-6 of Air Squats
800m Run
L3: 95/65lb
L2: 75/55lb (RX)
L1: 65/45lb
Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for this workout today is to complete it under the time cap, ideally in under 16 minutes.
-Don't get too caught up in the 800m runs but try to keep them at a similar pace as best as possible. The real focus is on the Power Snatches & Air Squats.
-The loading today is on the lighter side which should allow you to cycle the barbell for large sets. Not unbroken but at least close to.
-On the Air Squats, this will get challenging, but you can always do another rep. Just try to focus on your breathing and set yourself up for success for your next set of Power Snatches.
Score = Time