Programming 3/13 - 3/17

WOD – 35 min AMRAP
500/400m Row
3 rounds of Cindy (5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Air Squats)                        

L3: Strict Pull-Ups and Weighted Squats
L2: As Prescribed (RX)
L1: Knee Push-Ups and Banded Pull-Ups or Ring Rows

Athlete Notes:
-Today is just a fun variation of Cindy.
-Pick a pace on the Row that you can maintain for the entire 35-minute duration. Use the Row as your recovery between Cindy rounds.

Score = Total Reps (the Row = 5 reps and 3 rounds of Cindy = 90 reps)


Every 90 seconds for 7 rounds
1 Hang Snatch, into 1 Low Hang Snatch, into 1 Snatch

If you’re more advanced, complete as written. If you are still working on technique, do Power Snatches instead (no squat).

WOD – 14 min ascending ladder
Calorie Bike (1, 2, 3…)
Deadlift (2, 4, 6…)
Push Press (2, 4, 6…)

Cash out: Max Bike Calories in 5 minutes

L3: 115/75lb
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 65/55lb

Athlete Notes:
-Today is on the lighter side so move quickly and efficiently, but don’t compromise form for speed.
-During the cash out, try to push fairly hard for the entire 5-minute duration, this is both a physical and mental challenge.

WOD Score = Rounds + Reps
Cash Out Score = Total Calories Biked

Power Cleans

Complete a 6x3 at 75%-80% of your 1RM.

WOD – 4 rounds
3 minute AMRAP of:
40 Double Unders / 60 Single Unders
8 Box Jumps
12 Wall Balls

Rest 2:00 minutes between rounds. Repeat for 4 total rounds.

L3: 30/24” Box and 25/20 WB
L2: 24/20” Box and 20/14lb WB (RX)
L1: 24/20” Box and 14/10lb WB

Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for this workout is to complete between 2-3 rounds each interval.
-It is nearly 1:1 work to rest today so have some intensity during the 3 minutes of work.
-Transitions will be important. The span of time is short and the volume of reps is lower, don't be shy to push yourself to the next station quickly because you should be able to hang on.

Score = Total Rounds + Reps

Strict Press

Complete a 5x5 with a 1:00-1:30 minute rest between sets.

Set 1 = 60%
Set 2 = 65%
Set 3 = 70%
Set 4 = 75%
Set 5 = 80%

WOD – 4 rounds, 18 minutes

4:30 min to complete:
200m Run
6 Back Squats
9 Burpees
12 Alternating V-Ups

L3: 65%+ of your 1RM
L2: 60% of your 1RM (RX)
L1: 50% of your 1RM

Athlete Notes:
-You should be able to complete the work early, allowing for some rest before the next round begins. If you cannot, consider scaling back on the Run or Burpee/V-Up reps but still maintain the 6 Squats.
-If possible, do the Back Squats from the rack today.

Score = Time of Slowest Round

Farmers Carry

15 minutes to find your max Farmer’s Carry (down & back). During this time, you should aim to complete 6-8 sets increasing in weight on each set.

WOD – 15 min AMRAP
5 Wall Walks
10 Single Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
10 Toes To Bar

L3: 70/50lb and 20 HSPUs
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb and 10 Knee Raises

Athlete Notes:
-The goal for this workout today is to accumulate between 5-7 rounds.
-The volume of reps at each movement is just enough that you may need to break sets up in the last couple of rounds.
-To ensure you don't blow out too much, I would encourage strategic breaks early on, particularly on the Toes To Bar.

Score = Total Reps