Programming 5/30 - 6/3

Monday 5/30

WOD – For Time
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

Strength / Skill
5-7 mins to build to a heavy set of 5 military press, then
emom for 10 rounds complete 3 reps at the same weight

WOD - 4 rounds
3:00 mins to complete:
- 20/16 cal row
- 12 devils press (40/25#)
1:00 rest

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: ensure these are as strict as possible. don't allow athletes to bend in the hips at all. focus should be on keeping the entire body tight. avoid any hyperextension in the torso that recruits the chest muscles. 

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) consistent on their row pace
2) limit rest to when each round is finished

scale devils press so they don't have to break more than once per round. scale cal row if it takes more than 1:20 to complete. if an athlete finishes early, they get extra rest

Strength / Skill
turkish get-ups
spend 5 mins building to a challenging weight, then
every 2 minutes for 5 rounds complete 2 TGUs on each side

WOD - 7 min amrap
500m bike
6 power snatch (135/95#)

3 min rest

7 min amrap
500m bike
12 power snatch (95/65#)

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: athletes need to focus on proper technique here. it's very easy to overload this movement or put your shoulder into a compromised position. athletes should pick a weight that allows them to complete the 4 total reps without rest between them. athletes should alternate arms between each rep. can use either KB or DBs. 

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) maintain a steady pace on the bike 
2) focus on receiving the barbell with locked out arms on the snatch

scale bike to 250 row/200m run. scale snatch weight so athletes can stay consistent with the heavy weight (quick singles okay) and hit sets of at least 6 on the light weight.  

Strength / Skill
15 mins to build and complete 6 x 3 deadlifts

WOD - 4 rounds for time (20 min cap)
400m run
15 hang power cleans (115/85#)
15 push press (115/85#)
10 burpees over the bar

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: no touch-n-go, singles only. ensure athletes are bracing in the core and driving through the legs.

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) hang onto the barbell as long as possible
2) keep rounds to a similar time, avoid sprinting the first round and burning out

scale run to 500m row/1000m bike. scale barbell to a weight they only have to break once per round. 

Strength / Skill
20ish minutes to find a 1 rep max bench press

WOD - 15 min amrap
10 pull-ups 
20 wall balls (20/14#) 
10 toes to bar 
20 box step ups w/ kb (53/35#) 
10 chest to bar 
20 goblet squat (53/35#)

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: we are starting a new strength cycle that will include bench pressing. ensure proper mechanics are followed, but push everyone to establish a new baseline for this cycle. 

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) break up the pulling movement to avoid burn out
2) avoid breaking up the squatting/stepping movements

scale pull-ups to banded/jumping. scale toes to bar to v-ups. scale chest to bar to banded/jumping. the chest to bar should be more range of motion compared to the pull-ups.