Monday 5/16
WOD - 35 min AMRAP
2 squat cleans (165/115)
50 double unders
2 squat cleans (165/115)
40 air squats
2 squat cleans (165/115)
30 cal row
2 squat cleans (165/115)
20 push-ups
2 squat cleans (165/115)
10 bar muscle-ups
Coaches Notes
WOD: Squat cleans should be doable as quick singles to start. Bar muscle ups scale to the most challenging pull-up variation athletes are able to do.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Choose a heavy weight for cleans and a challenging scaling for bar muscle-ups.
2) Maintain consistent work output for the entire 35 minutes.
Strength / Skill
Front Squats
Work up to a Heavy Set of 3 (HSo3) front squats
Then complete 3 sets of 5 front squats at 80% of HSo3.
WOD - For time (20 minute time cap)
400m run
30 thrusters (95/65)
800m run
60 kb swings (53/35)
400m run
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: This is our last day of front squats before retesting 1RMs next week. The heavy set of 3 should help establish a range for what athletes can shoot for on their 1 RM.
WOD: Barbell weights should allow for sets of at least 10 reps when fresh. Kettlebell weights should allow for sets of at least 15 reps when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Avoid using the run as a recovery period.
2) Hold onto longer sets of thrusters and kb swings than feels strategic.
Strength / Skill
6 x 5
WOD - 15 minute AMRAP
12 snatches (75/55)
18 overhead lunges (75/55)
24 pull-ups
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: All sets should be completed at the same challenging weight.
WOD: Snatches and overhead lunges should be doable as unbroken sets to begin the workout, or with only one break on the lunges in the first set. Pull-ups scale to over vertical pulling movements.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Keep with a challenging scaling for pull-ups through fatigue rather than scaling down as the workout progresses.
2) Focus on keeping the barbell behind their head while doing lunges.
Strength / Skill
WOD - 4 rounds
4 minutes to complete:
- 15 double db burpee deadlifts (50/35)
- 15 double db box carry overs (50/35)
- 20 box jump overs
1 minute rest
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: This is our last day of jerks before we will do a jerk 1-rm retest.
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Limit resting to the designated rest time.
2) Focus on efficient movement on all three exercises.
Strength / Skill
Complete 7 sets of the following complex:
1 clean high pull + 1 power clean + 2 squat cleans
WOD - 5 rounds for time (15 min time cap)
300m row
13 toes to bar
13 hand stand push-ups
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Allow for up to 20 minutes to complete these complexes. Athletes should only begin counting sets once they are a challenging weight. Athletes may build in weight across sets.
WOD: Toes to bar scale to hanging leg or knee raises. HSPU scale to 4 wall walks or 13 challenging z-press. If athletes scale to z-press and can do an unbroken set on the first round, they have scaled too light.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are working on skills that progress towards full handstand push-ups on the wall.
2) Hold consistent pace across all 5 rows.