Strength / Skill
18 minute alternating EMOM
1) 0:30 barbell bicep curls
2) 0:30 dumbbell lateral raises
3) 0:30 push-ups
WOD - 3 rounds for time
500m row
15 push press
30 sit-ups
L1: 65/45
L2: 95/65
L3: 115/75
Strength / Skill
Overhead Squat 1-RM
*benchmark here to be retested
WOD - 14 minute AMRAP
2 rope climbs
20 box jumps
2 rope climbs
200m run
Strength / Skill
WOD - 6 rounds of the following
4:00 to complete:
- 3 power cleans
- 15 burpees over bar
- 3 power cleans
- 15 toes to bar
- 3 power cleans
2:00 rest
L1: 95/65
L2: 155/95
L3: 205/125
Strength / Skill
5 sets of the following:
- 8 RDLs
- max set handstand push-ups
WOD - 5 rounds for time
6 power snatches
12 kb swings
18 cal bike
L1: 75,35/45,26
L2: 135,53/85,35
L3: 155,70/95,53
Strength / Skill
Double under technique and practice
12 min alternating EMOM
1) :30 max double unders
2) max duration hollow hold
WOD - For time:
50 wall balls
30 pull-ups
40 wall balls
20 pull-ups
30 wall balls
10 pull-ups