Friday 5/7

Skill Work
Handstand Pushup/Barbell Curl

Spend 15:00 working on one of the following:
-Strict Deficit Handstand Pushup
-Strict Handstand Pushup
-Pike Handstand Pushup
-Pike Handstand Pushup on Knees
-Seated Dumbbell Press

Select a variation (or a weight) that is challenging for sets of 4-6. Work submaximal, technical, but tough sets.

Between sets, complete 5 x 8-12 barbell curls.

Use the first two sets as warm-ups, building to a moderately challenging weight, then repeat that weight for the last three sets. Focus on range of motion, control, and tension - strict technique = more pump and more jacked!

4 Rounds For Time:
500m/425m Row
10 Power Cleans, 135#/95#

TIMECAP: 13:00