Friday 4/23

Handstand Pushup Development

Spend 15:00 working on one of the following:
-Strict Deficit Handstand Pushup
-Strict Handstand Pushup
-Pike Handstand Pushup
-Pike Handstand Pushup on Knees
-Seated Dumbbell Press

Select a variation (or a weight) that is challenging for sets of 4-6. Work submaximal, technical, but tough sets.

For Time:
1000m/850m Row
20 Power Cleans, 115#/75#
30 Box Jump Overs, 24"/20"
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 115#/75#
30/20 Pushups
20 Power Cleans, 115#/75#
1000m/850m Row

TIMECAP: 21:00