EMOM 30, alternating:
a) 1 set of: 5 Snatch Deadlifts + 5 Power Snatch + 5 Overhead Squats
b) AMRAP in 1:00 of: 4 Toes-to-Bar + 4 Pushups + 8 Jump Lunges
c) 1:00 for Calories of Echo Bike, Ski, or Row
EMOM 30, alternating:
a) 1 set of: 5 Snatch Deadlifts + 5 Power Snatch + 5 Overhead Squats
b) AMRAP in 1:00 of: 4 Toes-to-Bar + 4 Pushups + 8 Jump Lunges
c) 1:00 for Calories of Echo Bike, Ski, or Row