Wednesday 6.19.19


Strength Circuit
13 Minutes steady:
10 Supinated grip barbell rows, heavy
1:00 single arm farmers hold with KB each side
10 shrimp squats each leg, scale to weighted lunges if needed

8 Minute AMRAP:
12-9-6 Overhead Squat
*30 DU's after each set
-Rest 3 Minutes-
8 Minute AMRAP:
12-9-6 T2B
*12 Alternating DB snatch after each set

*Reset back to the 12 after finishing the set of 6
L3- 115/85, 50/35
L2- 85/65, 35/25
L1- A weight that allows for at least the first round unbroken on OH squat and snatches consitent the whole workout


Announcement: Hey Felix! For those that don’t know, we’ve been working on a fun project called Nodi Messenger. We wanted to create a simple and easy way to push our daily workouts directly to you instead of you always having to go to Facebook or the website to view them.

We just launched the iPhone version with the Droid version coming out shortly. To start getting your daily WODs along with other gym updates, just download Nodi from the app store (or click the link below), enable notifications, and follow CrossFit Felix! It’s as simple as that.

Nodi Messenger App