Coach led, 15 Minutes:
Practice Kipping for 15 minutes. This should be kipping on the bars. Can be T2B, C2B etc. Butterfly kipping is also acceptable. Start with hollow and arch positions on the ground and then progress into bar drills. Take a step back from the intensity and work on cleaning up your movement.
12 Minute AMRAP:
Ring Dips
Hang Power Cleans
3 dips, 3 cleans, 6 dips, 6 cleans, 9, 9 then go back to 3 and 3. Repeat for 12 minutes
Level 3- 135/95
Level 2- 95/65
Level 1- A weight that allows for at least the first full round of 3-6-9 to be unbroken. Ring dip scaling can only be bands if you are able to do 10 perfect pushups, if not modify to pushups.