Pick one of the following options to practice for 15 Minutes:
Path A- Practice Butterfly C2B or Kipping Pull-Ups. If proficient in butterfly, perform an EMOM working on building your volume density capacity.
Path B- Practice Handstands (Handstand Walking) This is not the time to practice handstand push-ups. If you cannot flip onto a wall you can practice that or any other drill that gets you closer to the goal of freestanding handstand work. If already proficient in handstand walking perform 5 Rounds of 1:00 max distance, 1:30 Rest
Path C- Practice Toes to bar, this could be core strength drills, V-Ups, hollow rocks, knee raises, or kipping drills. Any level that gets you closer to connecting T2B. If already proficient, perform a 10 Minute EMOM of T2B doing the same number of reps each minute, pick a rep count around 1/3 of your max set.
20 Minute Cap
8 Rounds:
200m Run
12 KB Swings
3 Muscle-Ups
Level 3- 53/36
Level 2- 36/26
Level 1- A weight that allows every round to be 1 set on KB Swing. This workout should be mostly about pushing the running pace. Muscle up scale is 3 of your highest level pull-ups eg 3 C2B.