“Like Two Peas in a Wod”
Skill/Technique: 50 Pull-ups, FB: 75 Pull-ups in as few sets as possible*
*Every time you break = 5 V-ups
Partner WOD
12 Min AMRAP:
One athlete must complete 25/20 cals on Rower then switch and pick up where 2nd person left off
Second Athlete is working through:
2 Wall Climbs FB: 8 HSPU
10 Front Racked Lunges 75/55
12 Burpees over Bar
2 Min Transition…
12 Min AMRAP:
One athlete must complete 20/15 Cal on ABike
Second Athlete is working through:
2 Rope Climbs (Scale to 6 Chinups)
8 Ring Dips (Scale to 10 Pushups)
12 Alternating Pistols (Scale to 12 Air Squats)