Tuesday 6/8

4 Rounds for Time with a Partner:
120 Double Unders (OR 60 Lateral Hops Over Kettlebell)
30 Pullups
30 Box Jump Overs, 24"/20"
30 Burpees
30 Toes-to-Bar

You may divide the work with your partner any way you wish.

TIMECAP: 37:00

Summer is Coming...
Barbell Curl
5 sets of 9-12 reps

Monday 6/7

Skill Work
Handstand Pushup Development

Spend 15:00 working on one of the following:
-Strict Deficit Handstand Pushup
-Strict Handstand Pushup
-Pike Handstand Pushup
-Pike Handstand Pushup on Knees
-Seated Dumbbell Press

Select a variation (or a weight) that is challenging for sets of 4-6. Work submaximal, technical, but tough sets.

Every 4:00 x 5:
8-10 Front Squats
8-10 Deficit Pushups
Echo Bike remainder of 4:00

*Today is a great day to go HEAVY...