Complete a 4x10 at 60%-70% of your 1RM.
WOD – for time, 18 min cap
50/35 Calorie Echo Bike
25 Power Cleans
50 Toes To Bar
25 Power Snatches
L3: 135/95lb and 60/40 Calorie Echo Bike
L2: 115/75lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb and Leg-Raises or Knee-Raises
Athlete Notes:
-The primary focus for today is to complete this workout under the time cap.
-Your scaling on both the Power Cleans and Power Snatches will be important. If you select too heavy of a weight you will be spending too much time on that portion. Ideally you should be aiming to select a weight that is moderately heavy but one you can cycle for quick single reps for the entire 25 reps.
-On the Bike, make sure you start out with a good pace to set yourself up for success, it isn't a sprint but we don't want you going too slow.
-And lastly, on the Toes To Bar make sure you break those reps up early and often to save your grip for the final set of Power Snatches afterwards.
-This week has some dedicated time to pulling work. We have Toes To Bar today, Strict Pull-Ups on Wednesday, and Kipping work as the skill on Friday.
Score = Time
20 minutes to find your 1RM. Work with a partner on this, everyone needs a spotter today.
WOD – 10 rounds for time, 18 min cap
9 Wall Balls
6 Box Jumps
3 Deadlifts
L3: 315/205lb DL
L2: 275/185lb DL, 20/14lb WB, 24/20" Box (RX)
L1: 205/145lb DL
Athlete Notes:
-The primary focus for today is to keep each round just under 2:00 minutes. This will ensure you complete it under the time cap.
-Transitions between movements need to be quick but with the small rep ranges this should be sustainable.
-Make sure that this weight of the Deadlift does not exceed 75% of your 1 rep max Deadlift.
Score = Time
WOD – 4 rounds for time, 35 min cap
20 Abmat Sit-Ups
6 Strict Pull-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Abmat Sit-Ups
800m run
L3: 70/53lb and 10 Reps of Strict Push-Ups/HSPUs
L2: 53/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/26lb and adjust to Kipping Pull-Ups/HSPUs
Athlete Notes:
-Great mixed chipper workout today.
-The goal is to try and push the pace of each set. The two movements that will slow you down include the Strict Pull-Ups & Strict Handstand Push-Ups. Make sure you scale to ensure you can complete the movement within no more than 2 sets maximum. Feel free to use an Abmat on the HSPUs as needed.
-On the Sit-Ups & Kettlebell Swings, try and keep your intensity high as this is where you can make up some time within the set while still aiming for good quality in our reps and not shortcutting the range of motion.
Score = Time
Ring Dips
If you are advanced, do 5 max sets with a 2:00 rest between sets. If you are intermediate, do a 10:00 EMOM, picking a rep count you can be consistent with. If you are new to this movement, use this time to practice.
WOD – 4 rounds, 20 min
3:30 minutes to complete:
500/400m Row
10 Suitcase Lunges
Max Burpees in remaining time
1:30 Rest Between Rounds
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 32/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-Today is about pushing. 3:30 isn’t a lot of time to complete the work, so you will need to maintain some speed on the Row and go all-out on the Burpees.
-Keep in mind, you will have 90 Seconds to rest and recover after each round.
Score = Total Burpees
Kipping work
Use this time to work on your Toes To Bar, Kipping Pull-Up, or Muscle-Up.
WOD – 8 min AMRAP
Double Unders (10-20-30-40-50 etc.)
Dual Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (1-2-3-4-5 etc.)
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb
L1: 32/25lb and Single Unders (20-40-60-80-100 etc.)
Athlete Notes:
-Short and sweet workout today after a couple longer/more intense workouts this week.
-The goal is to try to complete round 7 (70 DUs/7 C&J).
-Transitions will be key early on, make sure you move from one movement to the next efficiently.
-Most of your time will be spent on the Double Unders, especially in the later rounds. So be mindful when picking your Double Under scaling, it is more about continuous movement and accumulating reps over learning the skill today. If doing Single Unders instead, double the rep count.
-On your Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks, they will get tough the bigger the sets get, so make sure you're focusing on your breathing through those and if needed, break up the earlier sets to hopefully save some energy for the later ones.
Score = Rounds + Reps
Accessory work – 3 rounds
10 KB Good Mornings
10 KB SLRDL (on each side)
10 KB Bulgarian Split Squats (on each side)
Programming 4/10 - 4/14
Push Jerk
Complete a 6x3 increasing in weight every two sets.
Set 1 & 2 @65%
Set 3 & 4 @75%
Set 5 & 6 @80%-85%
WOD – 12 min AMRAP
12 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
18 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatches
24 Air Squats
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb and Modified Pull-Ups (Kipping, Banded, Ring Rows)
Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for this workout today is to complete 4-6 rounds.
-On the Hang Dumbbell Snatches, pick a weight you can do all 18 reps unbroken, if you're breaking them up, you have gone too heavy.
On your Chest To Bar Pull-Ups, scale today to ensure you can complete the desired number within 2-3 sets maximum. If you need to scale the movement back to achieve this, please do.
-Consider the Air Squats your rest. Use this time to chalk up, recover so you can hit the next two movements hard.
Score = Rounds + Reps
Bike Sprints
8 rounds
20 second sprint followed by 40 second recovery pace
WOD – 5 rounds, 26 min cap
10 Burpees Over Bar
10 Power Cleans
10 Box Jump Overs
Rest 1:30 minutes
L3: 135/95lb
L2: 115/75lb and 24/20” (RX)
L1: 75/55lb
Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for this workout today is to keep each set sub 3:00 minutes. However, there is a 4:00 minute cap each round so even if you don’t complete all of the work, stop at that cap for your 1:30 minute rest.
-You should be cycling the barbell for unbroken sets which is why today’s weight is a little lighter than normal. Also, keep in mind we have a 1RM Deadlift tomorrow.
-On the Burpees and Box Jumps, you do not have to sprint these but aim to transition to them quickly and get moving right away as you can make up some good time each round.
Score = Time
20 minutes to establish a 1 rep max
WOD – 2 rounds for time, 18 min cap
750/600m Row
Wall Balls (21-15-9)
Toes To Bar (21-15-9)
L3: 25/20
L2: 20/14 (RX)
L1: 14/10 and Knee Raises
Athlete Notes:
-The goal is to find a moderate pace on the Rower that will allow you to really attack the Wall Balls and Toes To Bar.
-Scale the Wall Balls to keep your sets unbroken and adjust the volume or movement on your Toes To Bar to complete them within 3 sets maximum.
Score = Time
WOD – 3 rounds
Every 2:30 minutes, complete a 200m run + max reps
Movement 1: KB Swings
Movement 2: Sit Ups
Movement 3: Skeleton Rows
Movement 4: DUs
Movement 5: Single DB OH Lunges
L3: 70/50lb DBs and 70/53lb KB
L2: 50/35lb DBs and 53/35lb KB (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DBs and 35/26lb KB
Athlete Notes:
-Since you are working towards max reps, today’s goal is about maintaining a steady pace throughout the entire workout. Don’t go out of the gates too hard or push it to max on any movement.
-After each Run, try to move right into the movement and do a big set. However, you may want to consider building in a 10-15 second rest before the start of the next round.
Score = Total Reps (2 SUs = 1 rep)
Strict Pull Ups
5 Rounds
1 minute of max Strict Pull-Ups with a 2 minute rest in between rounds
Athlete Notes:
-Today is about volume. Don’t leave anything in the tank. You will likely see a drastic decrease in volume per round, that is ok.
-Most athletes will need to use a band for this strength. Consider using a thicker band than normal. And if banded Strict Pull-Ups are out of reach, adjust to Ring Rows.
WOD – 3 rounds, 18 minutes
6 minutes to complete:
40/30 Calorie Echo Bike
10 Dual Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Dual Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
L3: 50/35lb and 50/40 Cals
L2: 35/25lb (RX)
L1: 25/15lb and 30/24 Cals
Athlete Notes:
-Bit of a lower body destroyer workout today.
-The goal is to achieve between 1:30-2:00 minutes of rest each round.
-The big movement to be mindful of here is the Echo Bike. This is a large number to be repeating so be sure your pace on round one is one you can sustain on round 2 and 3. Your legs will feel heavy after the bike but try to force yourself to the Dumbbells.
-For the other two movements, the goal to be on doing each movement unbroken and using the transition time between movements as your rest break.
Score = Slowest Set Time
Programming 4/3 - 4/7
If you are proficient at Pistol Squats, complete a 10 minuteEMOM. Otherwise, use this 10 minutes to practice technique.
WOD – descending ladder for time, 12 min cap
Power Snatches
Bar Facing Burpees
L3: 135/95lb
L2: 115/75lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb
Athlete Notes:
-This workout is one where you need to build speed as the reps decrease.
-Try to be smooth and consistent on the Burpees as you can lose time here.
Score = Time
Accessory work – 4 rounds, 12 min cap
10 Single Dumbbell Bench Pullovers
10 Barbell Pendlay Rows
Athlete Notes:
-Self-directed loading today, aim for a moderate weight.
-Focus on quality reps and take your time.
No score
Ring Dips
Complete 5x5 Ring Dips. If this is too easy, consider doing Weighted Ring Dips.
Between each set, complete 15 Banded Pull-Aparts.
WOD – 22 min ascending ladder
Dual Dumbbell Suitcase Lunges (1, 2, 3… on each side)
Skeleton Rows (1, 2, 3… on each side)
KB Swings (1, 2, 3…)
After multiples of 2, complete a 200m Run.
L3: 70/50lb DBs and 70/53lb KB
L2: 50/35lb DBs and 53/35lb KB (RX)
L1: 35/25lb DBs and 35/26lb KB
Athlete Notes:
-The main goal today is to continue moving at a steady pace for the full 22 minutes.
-The Lunges should feel sufficiently heavy from the start and you will need to break them up once you get higher in reps. You can do Forward or Reverse Lunges today.
-On the Skeleton Rows, focus on keeping feet a little wider and maintain a solid core, avoid letting your hips move.
Score = Rounds + Reps
Upper Body Accessory Work
Complete 5 sets of:
10 Banded Pull-Downs
10 Banded Triceps Extensions
14 Bicep Curls
WOD – 20 min AMRAP
4 Dual Dumbbell Thrusters
6 Toes To Bar
24 Double Unders
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 53/25lb and SUs
Athlete Notes:
-The reps are so small on each movement that it really forces you to find a rhythm early on and do nothing but keep moving throughout.
-The challenge with this workout is to not start too hot. Look at the clock and time how long the first round takes. Then, as best as possible, keep most of your rounds around that same pace. With fatigue it may get slower but use that as your motivation to try and average the same round splits.
-The Thrusters should always be completed unbroken each round, so keep that in mind when selecting your loading today.
Score = Total Rounds + Reps
WOD – for time, 35 min cap
2000m/1500m Row
30 Box Jumps
1 min Wall Sit
30 Alternating V-Ups
1 min Hollow Hold
1500m/1000m Row
30 Box Jumps
1 min Wall Sit
30 Alternating V-Ups
1 min Hollow Hold
1000m/750m Row
30 Box Jumps
1 min Wall Sit
30 Alternating V-Ups
1 min Hollow Hold
L3: Weighted Sit-Ups
L2: As Written
L1: Reduce Box Jumps and Sit-Ups by 5 reps each round
Athlete Notes:
-For the Hollow Hold and Wall Sit, it is not accumulated time, rather you will have 60 seconds total to do each movement. So if you have to break, make it short and get back into it quickly.
-Try to keep your transitions short as you can lose a lot of time here.
Score = Time
10 minute EMOM:
Minute A: 5 Back Squats
Minute B: 3 Front Squats
Athlete Notes:
-Holding 65%-70% of your 1 rep max Front Squat.
-The goal is to move the barbell as fast as possible on each set.
WOD – 4 Rounds of 3:00 minutes on / 1:30 minutes off
15/11 Calorie Echo Bike
20 Single Dumbbell Clean and Press
Max Wall Walks in remaining time
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 53/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-Focus on maximising your time spent on the wall, which means you will need to push the Echo Bike & Dumbbell Snatches hard to ensure you have plenty of time.
-When selecting your Dumbbell weight, choose something you are able to cycle unbroken sets and can transition quickly.
Score = Total Wall Walks
Programming 3/27 - 3/31
Bench Press
4 Sets of Max Reps
Set 1 = 80%
Set 2 = 75%
Set 3 = 70%
Set 4 = 65%
Athlete Notes:
-Rest 2:30-3:00 minutes between sets.
-Percentage is based off of your 1 rep max Bench Press.
-The goal is to get as many reps as possible at each weight so make sure you have a spotter nearby for each set.
WOD – for time, 25 min cap
200m Run
1 Wall Walk
6 Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
400m Run
2 Wall Walks
9 Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
600m Run
3 Wall Walks
12 Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
800m Run
4 Wall Walks
15 Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
1000m Run
5 Wall Walks
21 Dual Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
L3: 70/50
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25
Athlete Notes:
-Long duration chipper workout to start the week.
-The main focus here today is the volume of running. It is 3km in total which is fairly significant when paired with the other movements.
-On the Wall Walks, you will get a big rest between efforts which should allow your shoulders to recover nicely.
-On the Hang Cleans, ideally you should be completing the desired numbers within 2 sets maximum each time.
Score = Time
WOD – 3 rounds (10:00 minutes on / 3:00 minutes off)
30 Deadlift
40 Single Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
50 Abmat Sit-Ups
*In remaining time, accumulate Max Calories on Bike
L3: 135/95lb and 70/50lb
L2: 115/75lb and 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 95/65lb and 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for today is to get between 3-4 minutes of time on the machine. Within that time frame, aim for 30-40 Calories.
-The 3:00 minute rest isn't a long time before the next round but with the movements programmed you should be able to find a good consistent rhythm and work through what's ahead of you.
Score = Total Calories
Rope Climb
10 minutes to practice Rope Climbs. If you are proficient, work on stringing a few together.
WOD – 20 min AMRAP
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
L3: Strict Pull-Ups and/or Deficit Push-Ups on Plates
L2: As Written (RX)
L1: Ring Rows and/or Knee Push-Ups
Athlete Notes:
-Today is a benchmark WOD called “Cindy”. Be sure to log your score so you can reference it next time you retest this one.
-It will be important to scale appropriately (Ring Rows and/or Knee Push-Ups) in order to keep a strong pace throughout the full 20 minutes.
Score = Rounds + Reps
Every 1:30 minutes x 6 sets
1 Power Snatch
Rest :30 Seconds
1 Squat Snatch
Athlete Notes:
-There was a lot of shoulder work yesterday with the Pull-Ups and Push-Ups. Today is about going light and working on form. You shouldn’t exceed 60%-70% of your 1RM.
WOD – 16 minutes of Tabata
KB Swings
Box Jump Overs
Mountain Climbers
Jump Lunges
L3: 70/53lb
L2: 53/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/26lb
Score = Total Reps
Complete 5x5 on each leg increasing in KB weight with each set.
WOD – 17 min AMRAP
500/400m Row
Max Unbroken Dual Dumbbell Shoulder To Overhead
10 Toes To Bar
L3: 50/35lb
L2: 35/25lb (RX)
L1: 25/20lb
Athlete Notes:
-This workout should have a very Aerobic / Muscle Pump feel to it.
-The primary goal for today is to really push your threshold on the Shoulder To Overhead. Expect your sets to get less and less through the workout but as long as you're pushing the tempo, that is the goal.
-On the Row, keep a steady pace but don’t speed through it. This should be your recovery movement.
Score = Shoulder to Overhead Reps
Programming 3/20 - 3/24
Tempo Back Squat
Complete a 4 x 6 at a 3-3-3-3 tempo, resting 2 minutes between sets. Self-directed loading today as the focus is on the tempo and maintaining the count as much as possible.
WOD – 20 min ascending ladder
Renegade Row (1, 2, 3…)
Box Jump (2, 4, 6…)
After each set, complete a 200m run.
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-It’s going to feel like a lot of running at the beginning but that will change towards the back half of the workout.
-However, if the 200m Run is taking significantly longer than 1 minute, decrease the distance.
Score = Rounds + Reps
WOD – 35 minutes
Part A: 20 min AMRAP
10 Curtis P’s
30/20 Calorie Bike
20 Hang Power Cleans
30/20 Calorie Bike
30 Jump Lunges
Part B: 10 min to complete:
50/40 Calorie Bike
40 Back Rack Lunges
Part C: 5 min EMOM
20 Second Bike Sprint
5 Max Hang Power Cleans
L3: 115/75lb
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 65/45lb
Athlete Notes:
-Today’s workout incorporates multiple formats to keep it interesting but it will still be a long, grueling WOD. Pick a weight that you can maintain throughout the 35-minute duration.
-There is a fair amount of Lunge and Clean volume today, but make sure you are not sacrificing quality for quantity.
Score = Total Hang Power Clean Reps in Part C
SkillDouble Unders
Athlete Notes:
-If you are proficient at DUs, you have 10 minutes to complete Flight Simulator. If you are still learning, use this time to practice technique.
-The goal is to brush up on this skill today, as they will show up in the WOD tomorrow.
WOD – 20 min EMOM
Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 2: 40 Seconds Max Kettlebell Swings
Minute 3: 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 4: 40 Seconds Max Wall Balls
Minute 5: Rest
L3: 70/53lb KB and 25/20lb WB
L2: 53/35lb KB and 20/14lb WB (RX)
L1: 35/26lb KB and 14/10lb WB and reduce Calorie Row by 2
Athlete Notes:
-The main movements to focus on are the Kettlebell Swings & Wall Balls. Push to go unbroken or as close as possible on each of those stations to accumulate as many reps as possible.
-On the Row, the 15/12 Calories should be completed within 45-50 seconds. If you are going slower than that, decrease the Calories (e.g. L1 is a 13/10 Calorie Row).
Score = Kettlebell Swing & Wall Ball Reps
20 minutes to warm up and then complete:
3x3 @70%
3x3 @80%
3x2 @90%
WOD – 10 min AMRAP
14 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs
After each round, complete 50 Double Unders / 80 Single Unders
Cash out: 100 Sit Ups
L3: 70/50lb
L2: 50/35lb (RX)
L1: 35/25lb
Athlete Notes:
-The primary goal for today is to complete between 4-5 rounds.
-Challenge yourself by pushing the pace early on and seeing how you do.
-The reps are not super high on each movement which should allow you to stay mentally strong and keep moving.
-The Double Unders are your active rest before returning to the Dumbbell.
WOD Score = Total Reps
Cash Out Score = Time
Handstand Push-Ups
Option 1: 14 min to work on HSPU technique
Option 2: 14 min E2MOM of consistent HSPU sets
Option 3: 10 min max HSPUs, but these must be completed in unbroken sets of 5
WOD – for time, 20 min cap
400m Run
20 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
400m Run
20 Overhead Squats
400m Run
20 Thrusters
400m Run
20 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
400m Run
L3: 115/75lb and 20 Strict Pull-Ups
L2: 95/65lb (RX)
L1: 65/45lb and 20 Kipping Pull-Ups
Athlete Notes:
-Chipper style workout to end the week.
-The goal for this workout is to complete it under the time cap.
-On the runs, try to maintain a strong pace which should leave you with roughly 2:30 to complete each set of work (C2B, OH Squats, Thrusters, and C2B).
Score = Time