WOD - 40 min EMOM
1 - cal row
2 - toes to bar
3 - db snatch
4 – rest
Athletes should pick a rep count that allows them to be consistent throughout the workout. Remember to be consistent but to also push yourself as there is already a rest built into this workout.
If you cannot maintain the T2B, switch to knee raises or V-ups.
Strength / Skill
Back squat
6 x 3 with 2 second pause at the bottom
WOD - 16 min AMRAP
45 double unders or 90 single unders
10 hang power cleans
10 push jerk
10 burpee over bar
Lvl 1) (65/95)
Lvl 2) (75/115)
Lvl 3) (95/135)
Strength / Skill
Bench Press
6 x 2
WOD 3 - 4 rounds for time (20 min cap)
400m run
21 kb swings (53/35#)
15 pull-ups
9 box jump
Note: If you can complete 3 rounds in under 15 minutes, go for a 4th round.
If you are an advanced athlete, consider doing 5 muscles ups per round or jumping on a higher box. Or both...
Strength / Skill
7 x 3
WOD - 8 min AMRAP
500m c2 bike
20 wall balls (20/14#)
rest 2 mins
8 min AMRAP
20 med ball sit-ups
1 minute plank
Strength / Skill
14 min EMOM
1) 8 strict press
2) 20 russian twist
WOD - 3 rounds for time (18 min cap)
750/600m row
8 devil's press (40/30#)
16 weighted lunges (40/30#)
Programming 9/12 - 9/16
Strength / Skill
Back Squats
6 sets of:
3 heavy back squats above 80% of your 1RM, then immediately do 12 goblet squats.
Note: Back squats should be completed at the same heavy weight across the 6 sets.
WOD - 14 minute AMRAP
200m run
12 push press
12 box jump overs
Lvl 1) 65/95
Lvl 2) 75/115
Lvl 3) 95/135
Strength / Skill
Clean work
Increase weight with each cycle
WOD - 4 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts (185/115)
16 wall balls
20 pull-ups / or 4-6 muscle-ups ‘challenge yourself’
Deadlift Work:
Lvl 1) 95/135
Lvl 2) 115/185
Lvl 3) 155/225
Strength / Skill
Bench Press
5 sets of:
5 reps above 70%. After each set complete a submaximal set of push-ups.
WOD - 3 rounds for time:
2000m bike
25 kb swings (53/35)
16 weighted lunges with KB
‘Today is a shoulder killer’
Strength / Skill
16 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 6 - 12 hand stand push-ups
2) 12 barbell bent over rows
WOD - 20 minute Ascending Ladder
1 burpee (1, 2, 3, 4...)
2 db snatches (2, 4, 6, 8... ) weight (50/35)
After each round complete 30 double unders or 50 single unders.
*add 1 burpee, and 2 db snatches each round
Strength / Skill
Toe 2 Bar
Complete 4-5 sets of the following:
Max set of T2B
Immediately into a 1 minute plank
2 minute rest between rounds.
Note: If you do not have your T2B, use this time to learn and practice.
30 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65)
30 thrusters (95/65)
1500m row
30 thrusters (95/65)
30 sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65)
Programming 9/5 - 9/9
WOD - Partner WOD
One partner works while the other rests, complete the following:
2000m row
150 goblet squats (53/35)
100 pull-ups
50 squat cleans (155/105)
100 push-ups
150 sit-ups
45 minute cap
If you need a little bit more of a challenge, don’t rest, but instead hold a static position.
Plank / hollow rock / dead bar hang / wall sit
Strength / Skill
Complete 7 sets of the following complex, building in weight.
1 Push press
2 Power jerks
WOD - 16 minute AMRAP
400m run
12 deadlifts (225/155)
48 double unders
Strength / Skill
Back Squats
Establish a heavy set of 5
then complete
4 x 3 @ the same weight
WOD – 5 Rounds
3 minute running clock
12 snatches (95/65)
12 toes to bar
Max weighted box step ups
*use a challenge weight that will allow you to go unbroken until the end of the 3 minute mark.
1 minute rest between rounds
Strength / Skill
14 minute Alternating EMOM
1) :40 farmer's carry
2) 12-16 bicep curls
*summer 2023 is right around the corner...
WOD - 7 minute AMRAP
2 wall walks
8 kb swings (70/53)
12 overhead lunges (75/55)
3 minute rest
6 minute AMRAP
1 wall walk
5 kb swings (70/53)
8 overhead lunges (75/55)
Strength / Skill
8 x 2
WOD - 3 rounds
1000m bike
30 wallballs
20 cleans (95/65)
10 burpee box jumps
Programming 8/29 - 9/2
Strength / Skill
Back Squat 1 rep max
Note: We will be starting a new Back Squat cycle next week. Use this to time find your baseline.
WOD - "Helen"
3 rounds for time (16 min timecap)
400m run
21 kb swings (53/35#)
12 pull ups
* If you complete Helen in sub 12 minutes, add a 4th round.
Strength / Skill
20 minutes of dedicated handstand skill work;
Athletes must complete as many reps as possible in a 3 minute window, which can be completed at any time during the 20 minutes
If you are new to handstand work, spend today working on your wall walk and handstand wall kick up.
WOD - retest open 14.5 (20 min timecap)
thrusters (95/65#)
bar over burpees
Lvl 1 - Thruster (65/45#)
Lvl 2 - Thruster (95/65#)
Lvl 3 - Thruster (115/85#)
Strength / Skill
20 mins to build to and complete 6 x 3 hang power cleans
WOD - 16 min AMRAP
40 lunges
30 sit ups
20 box jumps
10 devils press (25/40#)
If you want to challenge yourself, consider:
KB Lunges (35/26#)
Box Jumps (24/30) inch
Devils Press (35/50#)
Strength / Skill
emom for 16 minutes
even: 16 bulgarian split squats
odd: strict pull ups
WOD - 5 rounds for time (20 min timecap)
20 wall balls
500m row
Lvl 1 - WB (14/10#)
Lvl 2 - WB (20/14#)
Lvl 3 - WB (25/20#), also put rower damper at 8
WOD - 40 min amrap
16 power snatches (95/65#)
1000m bike (1200m echo)
16 toes to bar
1000m bike
16 overhead squat (95/65#)
Lvl 1 - Bar Weight (65/45#)
Lvl 2 - Bar Weight (95/65#)
Lvl 3 - Bar Weight (115/85#)
Programming 8/22 - 8/26
Strength / Skill
20 minutes to build to and complete 7 x 2 clean & jerk
WOD - 3 rounds for time (15 min cap)
400m run
12 pull-ups
8 devils press (50/35#)
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: no touch and go. athletes can pick between power or split jerk. allow athletes to go heavy, but only if they have good technique.
1) avoid too much rest on the run
2) keep a steady pace on the devils press
Strength / Skill
turkish get-ups
spend 5 mins building to a challenging weight, then
every 2 minutes for 5 rounds complete 2 TGUs on each side
WOD - 16 min amrap
10 ring dips
10 deadlifts (225/155#)
16 wall balls (20/14#)
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Athletes need to focus on proper technique here. It's very easy to overload this movement or put your shoulder into a compromised position. Athletes should pick a weight that allows them to complete the 4 total reps without rest between them. Athletes should alternate arms between each rep. Can use either KB or DBs.
1) focus on expressing control at the top of each ring dip
2) limit time transitioning to and resting during deadlifts
scale ring dips to banded or jumping. deadlifts should be scaled such that the first round is completed unbroken.
Strength / Skill
10 minutes to build to a heavy 4 rep front squat, then
E2MOM for 5 rounds complete 4 one and a quarter front squats using 75-80% of what you hit before
WOD - every 3 mins for 5 rounds (15 mins)
2 wall walks
12 alternating db snatch (50/35#)
8 burpee box jump overs
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: focus on staying active in the squat the entire time, do not let athletes relax in the bottom position at any time. athletes should be "on tension" the entire time in the squat; looking for active glutes and core.
1) get as close to the wall as possible while doing wall walks
2) rush the transitions between each movement
3) move quickly to get as much rest as possible each round
wall walks can be scaled to 8 challenging Z-press. snatches should be completed unbroken every round.
WOD - with a partner
12 minute amrap
a) 500m bike (600m echo)
b) front rack lunges (95/65#)
rest 2 mins
12 minute amrap
a) 200m run
b) push ups
rest 2 minutes
12 minute amrap
a) 250m row
b) power cleans (95/65#)
*both partners working at the same time, when partner A finishes the work you switch.
Coaches Notes
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they can find the sweet spot on movement A that allows them and their partner to stay working on movement B.
Strength / Skill
20 minutes to build to and complete 6 x 3 snatch
WOD - 4 rounds for time (18 min cap)
16 kb swings (53/35#)
12 toes to bar
16 goblet squats (53/35#)
Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: athletes can pick to power or squat snatch. encourage them to focus on technique rather than going too heavy.
1) maintain solid sets on the toes to bar
2) keep the core tight to avoid rounding in the squat, don't let the kb pull you out of position