Programming 8/15 - 8/19

Strength / Skill
Deadlift 1-RM

WOD - 20 minute AMRAP
1 rope climb
15 push-ups
1 rope climb
15 wallballs

Coaches Notes
WOD: Rope climbs scale to either three pulls to standing from floor with rope or 10 ring rows.

Strength / Skill
7 sets of the following complex:
2 power snatch
2 squat snatch

WOD - 5 rounds for time
5 front squats (185/115)
8 burpees over bar

Rest 3 minutes and do it again. Try to stay within 1 minute of your original time.

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Athletes may build in weight across sets. Athletes who missed Monday's deadlift 1-RM and would like to attempt can do so instead.

WOD: 20 minute time cap. Athletes should challenge themselves with the front squat weight such that the initial set of 5 is very difficult.

Strength / Skill
Bench Press 1-RM

WOD - Every 5:00 x 5
400m run
max set of pull-ups

*For an additional challenge, add 20 sit-ups after pull-ups.

Coaches Notes
WOD: As much as possible all athletes should scale to some pull-up variation hanging from a bar (banded or jumping).

WOD - 4 rounds
1000m row
15 ring dips
12 power cleans (135/95)
10 front rack lunges (135/95)

Coaches Notes
WOD: 38 minute time cap. Barbell weight should allow for a challenging set of 10 lunges when fresh. Ring dips scale to banded or jumping dips, ring supports, or dips on a bench.

Strength / Skill
Back Squat
5 x 5

WOD - 6 min AMRAP
15 box jumps
8 push press (115/75)

2 min rest

5 min AMRAP
8 box jumps
5 push press (145/100)

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: All 5 sets should be done at the same weight. Athletes who missed Wednesday's bench press 1-RM and would like to attempt can do so instead.

WOD: Barbell weight should allow for at least one set of unbroken push press for each AMRAP and the weight should increase by some amount between AMRAPs regardless of scaling.

Programming 8/8 - 8/12

Strength / Skill
10 minutes to work up to a heavy double squat snatch

Then complete:
10 min E2MOM
2 squat snatches + 1 set of max unbroken push-ups

WOD - 15 minute AMRAP
12 weighted lunges on each leg
12 toes to bar
12 box jumps

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Athletes may adjust the snatch weight as needed in the middle of the EMOM

Strength / Skill
Establish Heavy Set of 4 (HSo4)

The complete:
4 x 2 @ same weight as HSo4

WOD - 15 minute AMRAP
15 pull-ups
15 cals on bike
15 Kb swings (53/35)

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Go heavy with this set of 4 in preparation for a 1-RM retest next week.

WOD: Pull-ups scale to other vertical pulling movements.
1) Are consistent in preforming the most challenging pull-up scaling they are capable of.
2) Avoid using the bike as a rest.

Strength / Skill
Back Squat
Establish Heavy Set of 5 (HSo5)

The complete:
4 x 10 @ 80% of HSo5

WOD - 20 min AMRAP
20 weighted box overs (use single db, same as snatch)
30 db snatches (50/35)
40 sit-ups
100 dubs / 200 single-unders

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Allow up to 20 minutes to complete this.

WOD: Athletes should be able to do at least 10 consecutive db snatches when fresh.
1) Push the pace while doing sit-ups.
2) Practice an efficient transition between hands while doing db snatches.

Strength / Skill
Bench Press
4 x 3
3 x 2

WOD - 5 rounds for time
400m run
6 power cleans (165/105)
3 shoulder to overhead (165/105)

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Work up heavy with this to prepare for a 1-RM retest next week.
WOD: 25 minute time cap. Athletes should be able to complete quick singles for their cleans.
1) Go heavy with the barbell.
2) Run consistent times on all 5 400’s.

WOD - 36 minute alternating EMOM
1 - 3) 500m row
4) 14 goblet squats (53/35)
5) max burpees over rower
6) rest

Coaches Notes
1) Go all out on the burpee minute.
2) Focus on smooth rowing for the 500m.

Programming 8/1 - 8/5

5 x 5 tempo bench press
- 3 seconds on the way down 1 second pause in the bottom
shoot for 70% of your 1RM. avoid building within the sets.

for time (20 min timecap)
200 wall balls (20/14#)
every time you break run 200m

scale WB so an athlete can complete sets of 20 when they’re fresh. scale run to a 250m row.
If you can do more than 35 in a row when fresh, your ball is too light.

1) focus on hitting large sets of wall balls
2) use the run as a rest so you come back in ready to tackle the wall balls

Strength / Skill
12 minutes to build to a heavy complex:
1 high hang power snatch (above the knee)
1 low hang power snatch (just below the knee)
2 full power snatch

reduce weight by 10% and complete
5 power snatch every 90 seconds for 5 rounds

WOD - 12 min amrap
9 box jump overs (24/20")
18 DB snatch (50/35#)
9 pull-ups

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: during the complex athletes should focus on good technique, including hitting full extension and avoiding the bar swinging away from the body.

1) keep movements unbroken for as long as possible
2) keep steady transitions

burpee box jumps should be smooth and consistent the entire workout. scale pull-ups so you can complete in no more than 2 sets with a quick rest

WOD - "Row Row Row Your Boat"
on a 40 minute clock row for cals
at the top of every 4 minutes (including zero) complete 1 round of:
10 hang power cleans (95/65#)
10 push jerks (95/65#)
10 burpees over the bar

Coaches Notes
1) Scale appropriately such that they always have at least 1:30 to row every 4 minutes
2) Focus on a good lockout position, with head through arms, while doing jerks, even if it's slightly slower

Strength / Skill
7 x 3 front squat
- 3 second tempo on the way down and 2 second hold in the bottom

WOD - 4 rounds for time (18 min timecap)
400m run
12 toes to bar
12 thrusters (95/65#)

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: athletes should focus on actively pulling themselves into proper positioning with the tempo and holding an active squat position for the pause. athletes should shoot for 65-70% of their most recent 1RM.

1) avoid using run as a recovery
2) maintain the kipping motion during toes to bar; avoid going to singles or useless swings

toes to bar & thrusters should be scaled so athletes can complete in no more than 2 sets the entire workout. toes to bar scale to other kipping movements, hanging leg or knee raises.

Strength / Skill
8 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 8 strict press
2) 8 - 10 ring dips

3 minute rest

8 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 5 strict press with slightly heavier weight than first EMOM
2) 6 - 8 strict pull-ups

WOD - 14 min amrap
30 double unders
15 deadlift (185/135#)
15 push ups

Coaches Notes

1) keep manageable sets for the deadlift
2) avoid failure on the push ups

scale double unders to 60 singles or 20 lateral hops over the barbell. deadlifts should be complete

Programming 7/25 - 7/29

Strength / Skill
16 minutes to established and complete 4 x 10 bench press

WOD - 3 rounds for time (20 min timecap)
750m row
20 push press (115/85#)
10 chest to bar

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: no building in the working sets. all sets should be complete at the same weight. athletes should push for 60-70% of their 1RM.

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) maintain a constant pace on the row
2) break up the push press to avoid failure

scale row to 600m run or 1350m c2 bike. scale push press to 2 sets or less. scale c2b for most difficult pull-up movement (avoid horizontal pulling, like ring row).

Strength / Skill
16 minutes to find and complete 3 x 3 front squat;
then, using 80-85% of what you just hit, 7 minutes to complete 3 x 3 front squat with a 3 second pause in the bottom.

WOD - 12 min amrap
8 deadlift (225/185#)
200m run
12 box jump (24/20")

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: athletes should keep a good torso position each rep, avoid hips rising too fast. ensure athletes don't sandbag in the first section, so they have a successful second lift.

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) rush transitions
2) recover on the run and push the pace on the rest of the workout

scale deadlift to unbroken reps for the first 2-3 rounds. scale run to 250m row or 450m bike.

Strength / Skill
15 minutes of dedicated handstand skill work

WOD - open workout 17.5
10 rounds for time (25 min timecap)
9 thrusters (95/65#)
35 double unders

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: athletes can work on wall walks, handstand push ups, handstand holds, freestanding handstands, handstand walks... etc.

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) stay unbroken as long as possible
2) maintain a consistent pace

scale thrusters to unbroken sets for 4-5 rounds. scale doubleunders to 50 singleunders or 15 lateral hops over the barbell.

Strength / Skill
18 minutes to build to and complete 5 sets of the following complex:
1 high pull
1 power snatch
1 hang power snatch
1 overhead squat

WOD - 4 rounds for time (18 min timecap)
15 pull-ups
20 KB swings (53/35#)
1000m bike

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: all sets should be complete at a heavy weight. ensure athletes are establishing the proper technique; keeping the bar close to the body & using as much leg drive as possible.

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) breakup the pull-ups and KB swings into manageable sets
2) avoid resting on the bike

scale pull-ups and kb swings in 3 or less sets. scale bike to 400m run or 450m row.

Strength / Skill
20 minutes to build to and complete 7 x 3 SILENT deadlift at 70% of your 1RM.

WOD - 3 rounds for time (16 min timecap)
6 ring muscle ups
12 burpees over the bar
6 power cleans (155/105#)
12 burpees over the bar

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: no touch-n-go deadlift. deadlifts should be slow and under control.... there should be no noise when the weight hits the ground - almost like a negative when returning to the ground.

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) break up the muscle ups to manageable sets
2) avoid resting on the burpees

scale muscle ups to 8 bar muscle ups, 8 chest to bar & 8 push-ups or 10 pull-ups and 10 push-ups. scale power cleans to complete in 2 sets each round.

Programming 7/18 - 8/22

Strength / Skill
6 x 2 @ 90%+ of 1-RM

WOD - 20 minute AMRAP
400m run
30 jump lunges
12 kb swings (70/53)

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: All sets should be done at the same weight if possible.

WOD: Jump lunges scale to regular lunges. Kb weight should allow for at least 6 unbroken swings when fresh.

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Work at a consistent pace for the entire 20 minutes.
2) Use a heavier kettlebell than usual.

Strength / Skill
Overhead Squat
7 x 3

WOD - Every 4 min for 16 min (4 sets)
18/15 cal row
10 push press (115/75)
10 toes to bar

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Athletes may build in weight across sets.

WOD: Athletes should have at least one minute to rest each round. Barbell weights should allow for an unbroken set of push press when fresh.

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Ensure they are getting the bar to collarbone height with elbows above the bar for the high pulls.
2) Focus on getting their toes as high as possible on each toes to bar rep.

Strength / Skill
Bench Press
4 x 5 @ 70%+ of 1-RM
Then complete 1 set of max reps with the same weight

WOD - 5 rounds for time each
16 min Partner AMRAP
Partner 1 )
8 pistol squat
12 push-ups
16 sit-ups

Partner 2)
200m farmer's carry (53/35)
* All farmers carry should be done unbroken. If you cannot carry 2 bells without setting them down, then take 1 KB and alternate hands. One arm down, switch on way back.

When partner 2 comes in, switch.

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: All sets should be done at the same weight if possible. Make sure to have a spotter for the final max set.

Strength / Skill
5 sets of the following:
- 10 goodmornings
- Max set of handstand push-ups

WOD - 7 minute AMRAP
12 box jumps
15 cal bike
18 db snatches (50/35)

3 minute rest

5 minute AMRAP
10 box jumps
12 cal bike
14 db snatches (50/35)

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: HSPU can be substituted with challenging z-press.

WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Limit resting to the 3 minute rest period.
2) Focus on standing up all the way at the top of the box jumps.

Strength / Skill
8 sets of the following complex:
1 power clean
2 front squats
1 squat clean

WOD - 3 rounds for time
15 deadlifts (185/115)
10 burpees over bar
25 pull-ups
10 burpees over bar

Coaches Notes
Strength/Skill: Athletes may build in weight across sets.

WOD: 16 minute time cap. Deadlift weight should allow for an unbroken set of 15 reps when fresh.

Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Work on the most challenging variation of pull-ups they are able to do to start each new round of pull-ups.
2) Keep a consistent pace across all burpees.