Quick Note:
Although we will continue to post our weekly programming here on our website, we will also now be posting the daily workouts on the CrossFit Felix App. Just click on the Workouts link within the App and click on the any day of the week.
Marathon WOD
WOD - 2 rounds
40 deadlifts (155/105)*
500m bike
50 air squats
1000m bike
60 sit ups
800m run
Consider scaling down reps or going lighter on the deadlift if you are newer to CrossFit.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Keep a steady pace on the bike and run
2) Hold on for long sets of deadlifts through grip fatigue
Back squat
Establish a Heavy Set of 5 (HSo5)
4 x 15 @ 65%-75% of HSo5
WOD - Intervals
Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes (4 rounds)
11 toes to bar
18 box jumps
11 pull-ups
*You are aiming for 2:30 - 3:00 minutes of work on each round. Consider scaling reps up or using a higher box today if you are completing rounds too fast.
WOD: Both toes to bar and pull-ups should scale to other movements hanging from a bar if possible.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Choose and maintain a difficult scaling for toes to bar
2) Break work on the rig into manageable sets to preserve grip as needed
Strength / Skill
Rope climb technique review
14 min alternating EMOM
1) 1 - 2 rope climbs
2) 8 barbell strict press
WOD - For time
1000m row
30 hang cleans (115/75)
50 push-ups
WOD: 12 minute time cap. Barbell should be scaled so athletes can complete sets of at least 10 when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Push the pace on the row
2) Hold consistent strict form while doing push-ups
Strength / Skill
Overhead squat
5 x 5
6 x 2
WOD - 12 minute AMRAP
12 burpees
24 kb swings (53/35)
12 burpees
24 kb goblet lunges (53/35)
WOD: Kettlebells should be scaled such that athletes can complete a set of at least 15 swings and lunges when fresh. Scaling should not allow for sets of 24 unbroken reps throughout the workout.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Use a consistent movement pattern for the burpees across the whole workout.
2) Focus on keeping their torso upright while doing the lunges
Open Workout 22.1
Programming 2/14 - 2/18
Strength / Skill
Establish a Heavy Set of 6 back squats (HSo6)
5 x 8 @ @ 75% - 80% of HSo6
WOD - 4 rounds for time (15 min cap)
250m row
15 push press (115/85#)
20 v-ups
15 push ups
WOD: Push press should be scaled such that athletes can complete at least 10 unbroken reps when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are intentional about making quick transitions between movements
2) Focus on getting their shoulders high off the ground when doing v-ups
WOD - Partner WOD
40 min AMRAP
800m run
50 kb swings (53/35#)
40 pull-ups
30 goblet box carry overs (53/35#)
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are ready to hop in when it's their turn to work
2) Choose a challenging scaling option for pull-ups
Partners run together and split up the rest of the work; one person working at a time. Partners do not need to use the same weights
Strength / Skill
10 minutes to build to a heavy set of 3 hang squat snatch, then
Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds complete 3 full snatch from the ground at the same weight.
WOD - 6 min AMRAP
10 box jumps
15 wall balls (20/14#)
5 front squat (155/115#)
rest 3 mins
6 min AMRAP
5 front squat (155/115#)
15 wall balls (20/14#)
10 box jumps
WOD: Front squats should be scaled so they can be completed unbroken when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Choose a heavier weight than usual for front squats
2) Have consistent output between the two AMRAPs
Strength / Skill
20 minutes to complete 6 x 4 bench press - following each round hit a difficult set of chin-ups (supinated pull-ups)
WOD - 4 rounds
4 minutes to complete:
500m bike
9 clean and jerk (135/95#)
19 burpees
rest 1 minutes between rounds
WOD: Clean and jerks should be scaled such that athletes can do at least 5 reps touch and go.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Limit resting in the middle of rounds
2) Push the pace on the final 10 burpees of each round
Strength / Skill
12 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 6 - 10 handstand push-ups
2) 10 - 14 front rack lunges
WOD - Open Workout 20.2 Retest
20 min AMRAP
4 DB thrusters (50/35#)
6 toes to bar
24 double unders
Lunges can be forward or backward stepping.
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Take the opportunity to work on the skill of double unders
2) Work on making quick transitions between movements.
Programming 2/7 - 2/11
Monday 2/7
Strength / Skill
10 minutes to build to a heavy 8 rep back squat, then
every 2 minutes for 6 rounds complete 10 reps at 85% of the heavy 8
WOD - 4 rounds for time (16 min cap)
200 m run
20 wall balls (20/14#)
10 burpee box jump over (24/20")
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Avoid using the run as a recovery
2) Limit themselves to very quick breaks while doing wallballs
WOD - Partner Workout - 35 min AMRAP
100 cal row
50 chest to bar
50 deadlifts (185/115#)
50 HSPUs
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are ready to jump in as soon as it's their turn to work
2) Choose challenging scaling options for the gymnastics movements
*one partner working at a time, break up however you want
Strength / Skill
12 minutes to build to a working weight power snatch, then
every 90 seconds for 7 rounds complete 2 power snatch singles
WOD - 3 rounds for time (12 min cap)
10 hang power cleans (115/75#)
12 toes to bar
14 box jumps (24/20")
16 hand release push-ups
WOD: Snatches should be scales such that athletes never have to take more than two sets per round. Toes to bar scale to other hanging, kipping movements (knees to elbows, leg raises, knee raises).
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Hold consistent quality of reps while doing toes to bar
2) Focus on not taking extra steps backwards while coming down from box jumps
Strength / Skill
12 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 8 Good mornings
2) 10 pistols
WOD - 4 rounds
3 min AMRAP
- 10 cal bike
- 10 russian kb swings (70/53)
- 10 goblet lunges (70/53)
1:30 rest
WOD: All movements should be scaled such that they can be completed unbroken when fresh. The bike should be a sprint every time.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Work with a heavier kb than usual
2) Push to complete as many of their sets as possible as unbroken sets
Strength / Skill
10 minutes to refresh rope climbs and select a scale, then
every 2 minutes for 5 rounds complete 2 rope climbs, with remaining time accumulate as much time as possible in a deadhang on the rig
WOD - Open workout 21.1 retest
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
21 wall walks
210 double-unders
*15 minute timecap
WOD: Wall walks scale to 3x z-press. Double unders scale to a couple of sets of a double under attempts + singles to finish the remaining jumps. Athletes without jump ropes scale to half as many lateral hops over a dumbbell.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are intentional about holding a high standard for the start and finish position of wall walks
2) Take this as an opportunity to practice the skill of double unders
Programming 1/31 - 2/4
Strength / Skill
Work up to heavy set of 4 (HSO4)
2 x 2 @ 100% HSO4
3x6 @ 70% HSO4
WOD - Open workout 20.1
10 Rounds for time
8 ground to overhead (95/65)
10 bar facing burpees
WOD: 15 minute time cap. Scale ground to overhead such that the first round can be completed unbroken, touch and go.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Have a consistent movement pattern for all 100 burpees
2) Stick to short breaks between ground to overhead reps
Strength / Skill
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 rounds):
- Snatch high pull from knee
- Hang power snatch w/ 3 second pause at knee
- Power snatch w/ 2 second pause at knee
7 min EMOM snatch complex:
- Power snatch w/ 2 second pause at knee
- Power snatch
WOD - 18 minute AMRAP
10 push press (115/75)
15 front squats (115/75)
30 sit-ups
WOD: Barbell should be scaled such that athletes can complete both barbell movements in the first round with no more than one break per movement.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Are intentional about achieving a good lockout at the top of all push presses with their head through their arms
2) Consistently hit depth on front squats while focusing on staying upright with high elbows
WOD - 6 rounds
4:00 to complete:
- 15 cal bike
- 3 power cleans (185/105)
- 15 kb swings (53/35)
- 3 power cleans (185/105)
- 15 box jumps
- 3 power cleans (185/105)
1:30 rest
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Chose a weight for power cleans that is heavier than usual for a WOD
2) Accomplish similar amounts of work between rounds 3 and 6
Strength / Skill
Back squat
4 x 12 @ 75 - 80% of 10RM
- or -
Establish 10RM back squat
WOD - 5 rounds
12 pull-ups
20 db snatches (50/35)
WOD: 16 minute time cap. Scale pull-ups such that athletes can complete all sets without breaking more than twice a round. Scale to other vertical pulling variations using the pull-up bar, jumping and banded pull-ups. Scale db weight such that athletes are able to do at least 10 unbroken touch and go reps when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Push through grip fatigue on pull-ups
2) Are intentional about practicing the transition between hands on the snatches
Strength / Skill
Bench Press
Work up to a heavy set of 8 (HSO8)
3 x 10 @ 80 - 85% of HSO8
WOD - Open workout 14.4
14 minute AMRAP
60 calorie row
50 toes to bar
40 wallballs (20/14)
30 cleans (135/95)
20 ring muscle ups
WOD: Scale toes to bar to other hanging movements, knees to elbows, leg raises and knee raises. Clean weight should only be scaled to allow for proper technique and safety.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Row at a pace that allows them to get right to the toes to bar.
2) Choose challenging reps for toes to bar and maintain a high standard for those reps
Programming 1/24 - 1/28
Strength / Skill
7 min of kipping/butterfly pull-up skill work
12 min alternating EMOM
1) 0:20 max pull-ups
2) 0:30 max z-press
WOD - 12 minute AMRAP
12 kb swings (70/53)
500m bike
24 sit-ups
500m bike
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Don't use the bike as a rest
2) Swing a heavier kettlebell than usual for a workout
Strength / Skill
Back squat
5 x 7 @ 90% of 10RM
- or -
Establish 10 RM
WOD - 3 rounds for time
12 hang cleans (155/105)
200m run
8 push press (155/105)
200m run
WOD: 15 minute time cap. Scale barbell weights such that either movement can be completed in two sets or less when fresh.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Use a heavier weight that usual for barbell movements
2) Pick up the barbell right away after getting in from the run
WOD - 10 rounds for time
10 burpees
7 toes to bar
4 deadlifts (275/185)
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Go heavy on the deadlifts
2) Continue to do reps of a hard scaling for toes to bar for every rep of all ten rounds
Strength / Skill
High hang power snatch
4 x 3
Hang power snatch w/ 3 second pause at knee
5 x 2
Overhead squat
4 x 3
WOD - Every 3:00 x 3
25/21 calorie row sprint
The intention for the row here is to close out the day with three very high intensity sprint intervals. The format allows for a unique stimulus for our anaerobic (short term, non-oxygen necessitated) energy systems. Exercise like this will help develop capacity to handle and recover from stints of great exertion in the midst of other workouts. The goal here is to push hard enough on each sprint that the following sprints cannot be done at quite the same high speed. The rest won’t be quite long enough to produce the same level of output from round to round, but should be enough to allow for high effort.
WOD: Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Pull each sprint as if it's the last one
2) Focus on strong leg drive with each pull
Strength / Skill
14 minute alternating EMOM
1) 8 front rack lunges
2) Handstand push-up progression
Handstand push-up progression:
A) 10 heavy z-press
B) 1 - 2 kick up to wall
C) 1 - 3 wall walks
D) 6 - 10 hspu
WOD - 14 minute AMRAP
10 box jumps
10 ring dips
10 pistols
WOD: Scale ring dips to banded or jumping ring dips (with control at the top). Scale pistols to single leg squats using the rack for balance, or single leg squatting one with one leg off of the box to a moderately challenging depth. Pistols may be scaled to 30 air squats if needed.
Other than generally working faster, this workout is a success for an athlete if they:
1) Focus on good lockout and control at the top of all ring dips
2) Choose a challenging scaling for pistols